#DefeatAllWomen: Man Wins Women's Cycling Competition (Plus: the Future of Sports)



Jennifer Wagner is upset.

On Sunday, she entered the women’s sprinting event for ages 35-39 at the UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in LA.


Maybe I’m absurdly presumptuous, but I would expect people competing in a women’s 35-39 cycling event to be 35-39-year-old women cyclists.

Yet, some dude showed up. That guy — calling himself “Rachel” — jumped into the women’s event and cycled her balls off.

Unsurprisingly, he won.

The spandexed fella — whose last name is McKinnon — bested third-place Wagner and second-place Carolien van Herrikhuyzen.

And everybody just stood there and let it happen.

Then they gave HIM the women’s award. Surely he had a lump in this throat. And his shorts.

What in the world????

Jennifer tweeted about the bizarre event Monday:

“I was the 3rd place rider. It’s definitely NOT fair.”

Uhhhh, yeah.

Transgenderism has become a hot topic — I’ve covered the concept related to the governorship (here), Congress (here), the military (here), and horse racing (here). But this is my first story about a rooster just whoopin’ the behinds of a bunch of hens. What a chicken. Where’s the feminist outrage?

The above photo of a huge dude sandwiched between two chicks really highlights the disgrace of it all. Look at his legs compared to theirs — how could the looney officials possibly have given him the women’s award?


Have athletic sexual categories been replaced by the mantra of “anything goes”?

What if Dolly Parton were to enter a men’s bodybuilding chest-size competition?

If entrants can break the women rule in the 35-39 women’s cycling event, can they also ignore the age — or even cycling — part of it?

I’m gonna enter next year’s event riding a Kawasaki. Cycling is for the birds. Which is, of course, a British term for girls. Men, come pedal out your toxic masculinity! Also, people in their 20’s — feel free to sign up and kick Jennifer Wagner’s butt.

Perhaps the joke will be on Rachel when a 23-year-old male cyclist on a rocket steals the title from him.

I suppose there’s plenty of time for men to fight over the women’s first-through-third-place medals down the road. For now, Rachel — an assistant professor in the Philosophy department at the College of Charleston in South Carolina — is proud as a penis…I mean, peacock…of his accomplishment, having achieved the equivalent of Seinfeld’s Kramer beating up a bunch of elementary school students at karate class.


He’s also angry about criticism:

McKinnon’s especially up in arms about something he knows all about — FACTS:


Again, folks: one thing on the side of a man calling himself a woman is facts.

And this — if there’s any statistical chance a woman could ever beat him, that’s all the justification Rachel needs to compete in the women’s division:

Not smart, y’all.

Oh, and don’t speak for his competitors; they LOVE getting beaten by a guy:

But wait — Jennifer said it’s “definitely NOT fair.” What happened to #BelieveAllWomen?

If this continues, ultimately, women’s sports will simply cease to exist. Men will just take them over — they’re bigger, stronger, faster. No woman will have a chance. The best we can do at that point is try to raise the bar for the male competition. To that end, I suggest a new women’s event: Biggest Weenie.


Okay, Rachel — give it your best shot.


Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Tom Selleck & Memorial Day, The View vs. veterans, and CNN’s third grade teacher & Trump.

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