Fish Jumping Into the Boat: Donald Trump Thanks Waters and Pelosi for the Political Gains


As covered earlier today and yesterday, the rhetoric of the Left is escalating to dangerous levels.

Within a little more than a week, Maxine Waters called for the public and perpetual harassment of Trump’s Cabinet (see here), Sarah Sanders and Kirstjen Nielsen were rejected at restaurants (covered here), and raging imbecile Peter Fonda fantasized about the child rape and naked woman torture of those close to the President (read that incredible story here).


While in North Dakota Wednesday, President Trump thanked the most unhinged politicians for their lack of civility, which ultimately does exactly what he has suggested: it repulses the masses.

Trump has generated a lot of support for himself; however, a great deal of his popularity has come from the antics of Democrats. They repel voters in droves, and he’s there to receive all who are put off by their tomfoolery.

Will the Left learn its lesson? So far, it doesn’t appear likely.

Trump addressed Waters’s inflammatory incitement:

“Maxine, she’s a beauty. She practically was telling people the other day to assault. Can you imagine if I said the things she said?”

To be sure, if Donald Trump had uttered Maxine’s words, impeachment would have been the topic of the week. Or month. Or year.

Oh, wait — it already is, has been, and will be, regardless.


And in this climate of extremes, the President thanked the opposition for sending him voters:

“Please, please, please don’t remove Nancy Pelosi. And please keep Maxine Waters on the air as your face and your mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.”


Trump also referenced crime-loving Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi at his rally in South Carolina (see more on the photo issue he mentions, here):

In a way, Trump couldn’t have it much easier. A lot of his political gains are the net result of Democratic loss. He’s a fisherman at sea, poised for big catch. But more often than not, thanks to Democrats, the fish are jumping into the boat.


For another example of Democrats shooting themselves in the foot, see my piece on Robert De Niro at the Tonys.

For something completely different, here’s my article about Dennis Rodman and his winning ways.

Find all my RedState work here.

And follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.




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