Dana Perino Unloads on Poll Deniers: "I Won't Be a Party to Delusion"

Eric Bolling and Sean Hannity and their legions of intellectual equals on Twitter have decided lately that the polls don’t matter and that Trump’s future win is obvious based on the size of his Twitter following and other inane indicators.


The always smart and savvy Dana Perino, of course, will have none of that nonsense. (Being a denier of nonsense is an increasingly lonely job at Fox News.) Jay wrote earlier about the on air discussion, but perhaps even more awesome was Perino’s Twitter take down of the deluded.

I’ve included it as screenshots for those who can’t see Twitter embeds. I wanted to make sure NO ONE missed this.

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Telling the truth is an undervalued endeavor in 2016. Almost no one, least of all Trump supporters, is interested in it. This is the year of delusions, and Trump boosters are just indulging, as they must, in one after another to justify their support of the idiot.

Or, as is the case with Bolling, they simply are idiots. You know, take your pick.


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