As Utah Goes to the Polls, Ted Cruz Scores Another Awesome Endorsement in the State

Today, only hours ahead of Utah’s caucus vote – a critical vote that seems to be running in favor of a big Ted Cruz win – Cruz has scored another awesome in-state endorsement: Rep. Mia Love.


Rep. Mia Love is a tea party candidate and extremely popular with grassroots voters in the state. If you’ve ever been to a conservative congregational event like the RedState Gathering, CPAC, so on, not only has her name come up, you probably saw her there.

Here is Love’s statement in full:

America faces difficult challenges and pressing problems at home and abroad. There has never been a greater need for courage and courageous leaders.

For me courage is not playing to our fears, frustrations, angst and anger. Courageous leadership is never defined by insults, put-downs, or personal attacks. Courage is NOT found in sweeping generalities – posing as policy, nor is it seen in superficial hype or political spin. As Americans and as Republicans we must always expect more of our leaders – not less.

I have spent my first year in office fighting for limited government, returning power to the states and the people, making college accessible and affordable for all, standing for those who cannot stand for themselves and creating upward mobility and opportunity for every American. That is the Utah model and that is what the people of the 4th district deserve in their president.

I want a president who is interested in reducing the power of the presidency and the federal government – not expanding it. I want a president I know I can count on to sign into law the kinds to bills I have introduced related to higher education, eliminating massive bills filled with pork and perks for the well-connected, serving our veterans and creating jobs for hardworking Americans.

Because I believe we need a president with less bravado and more real courage to act on conservative principles, I will be casting my vote Tuesday for Ted Cruz. He has proven himself to be a principled, courageous leader with a positive agenda for our future.


Via The Hill, who also note that Love is the only black female Republican member of Congress because I guess that is somehow relevant.


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