Nancy Pelosi Can See Iran's 57th State From Her House On Bahrain's Gaza Bridge

We all know Nancy Pelosi has “had some work done,” but I don’t think we realized to what extent. Apparently she didn’t just have her eyes lifted, she had them straight up enhanced.


Yes, like the Gaza bridge, the 57th state, or seeing Alaska from your house, Nancy Pelosi has made a pretty big geography error (and/or disclosed a superpower) when she claims she saw Iran from Bahrain – a distance of over 100 mile – because “everything is very close” over in the Middle East. The difference with Palin of course being that she didn’t say it, and what she did say was 100% accurate.

But hey, Nancy didn’t claim her chopper was under fire when she landed so, I guess as far as Democrats go, she’s ahead of the game.

h/t Weasel Zippers


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