Daily Links - March 29, 2012

Today is March 29th. On this date in 1992, Bill Clinton admitted to having tried marijuana, but stated that he “didn’t like it, and didn’t inhale, and never tried it again.” He then asked if the host had any cheetos and pondered the odd nature of fingers. Also on this date, in 1918, Walmart founder Sam Walton was born. Walton once said: “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” Next time, Mitt, just use the quote. On this date in 1867, British Parliament passed the North American Act, creating the Dominion of Canada, in the hope that someday they could be major exporters of Baldwin brothers. And finally, today is Mule Day. Mule Day, one might have guessed, is “an annual celebration of all things related to mules and is held in Columbia, Tennessee, the ‘Mule Capital’ of the world.” So … there’s that. Consider this an Open Thread.


Our first billboard “The water was on fire in 1669” | Frack Nation
“As you know, one of the most widely spread allegations against fracking is the ‘flaming faucet’ made famous by Josh Fox, whose documentary Gasland claimed fracking made people’s water go on fire.” Note: Only seven more days to pledge funds for the production of the film and grab a producer credit. Click here to kick in.

Obama slams GOP in video love letter to Planned Parenthood | Twitchy
“On the Planned Parenthood Action Fund website, supporters are encouraged to watch the ‘special message’ and to sign a letter thanking the president for ‘standing strong for women’s health.’”

Obama, Menendez Push Economically Painful Anti-Energy Bill | U.S News & World Report
“… if passed, this measure would not reduce fuel prices, and in fact could add to the burden faced at the pump.”

As Goes Wisconsin, so Goes America | Sarah Palin
“Governor Walker has left the far Left unhinged, so he’s had to amass a war chest to fend off the lies and dirty dealings in the capitol; and, thankfully, it’s predicted he’ll survive his recall. But the recall fight that is just as important is Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch’s.”


Today’s Word of the Day comes via Wordsmith.org.
avulse (uh-VUHLS): verb To pull off or tear away.


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