
Kamala Harris Warns Us About Our Carbon Footprint - But Dumps Millions in Private Luxury Jet Travel

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

This just in: Kamala Harris is a climate hypocrite.

She has plenty of company, of course, ranging from John Kerry with his private jet and yachts, to Leonardo DiCaprio, Jeff Zuckerberg, and other climate scolds with mega-yachts, there are a plethora of climate hypocrites out there. Just go to any major climate conference, like, say, Davos, and you'll find it impossible to toss a stone in the air without having it fall on the head of some richly-dressed nabob who flew to the conference in a private jet to whine about the normal people's carbon outputs.

But Kamala Harris is running for President of the United States, a position in which she would be able to impose her climate-scold agenda on the American people - and it's an agenda she has no intention of following herself. For example: Since she was anointed as the Democratic presidential candidate, she has dumped millions of dollars into luxury private jet travel. 

Are campaign buses not a thing anymore?

Harris, who has jet set on the campaign trail delivering various speeches on combating climate change, said on multiple occasions that the issue is an "existential threat" to humans.

"There’s no question we have to be practical. But being practical also recognizes that climate change is an existential threat to us as human beings," Harris told CNN in 2019. "Being practical recognizes that greenhouse gas emissions are threatening our air and threatening the planet and that it is well within our capacity as human beings to change our behaviors in a way that we can reduce its effects. That’s practical."

Despite calling on people to make changes in their lives to prevent climate change, Harris' campaign has spent at least $3.8 million on private planes in less than six weeks, according to a Fox News Digital review of disbursements on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website.

OK, now let's be fair for a moment. Kamala Harris, for all her faults - and boy howdy, she has a lot of 'em - is Vice President of the United States. We can't expect her and her Secret Service detail to hop on any commercial airliner and squeeze into the Economy seating. And there are doubtless campaign law issues with her using Air Force Two to pop off to, say, Nevada for a campaign stop. 

No, under normal circumstances, it would be difficult to begrudge a sitting VP and current presidential candidate the use of private jets. But it's the constant finger-wagging at the rest of us by the campaign that rankles.

"The urgency of this moment is clear. The clock is no longer just ticking, it is banging.  And we must make up for lost time. And we cannot afford to be incremental. We need transformative change and exponential impact. As nations, we must have the ambition that is necessary to meet this moment," the vice president said at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2023. "We must lead with courage and conviction, and we must treat the climate crisis as the existential threat that it truly is. It is, dare I say, our duty and our obligation. Not a choice."

Might I suggest a tour bus, Madam Vice President? Heck, Harry Truman used a train. Of course, today's Democratic Party would consider Harry Truman a flaming right-winger, so there's that.

Of course, Kamala Harris has bought wholeheartedly into the anthropogenic climate change hooraw, just like most of her party. It's to their advantage to toe this particular line, after all, a significant portion of their supporters are climate scolds and watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside).

But her calls to action can only be seen as what they are - a call to dramatically reduce our energy use, which means a dramatic reduction in our standard of living, and in large part the surrender of our modern, technological lifestyle. That's not a cake you can have and eat it, too. We either have abundant, cheap energy or we have our modern lifestyle - we can't have both.

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Kamala's private jet use isn't just spewing carbon. It's probably contributing to "climate anxiety," or something. Just ask the vice president herself:

"I’ve heard young leaders talk with me about a term they’ve coined called ‘climate anxiety,’ which is fear of the future and the unknown of whether it makes sense for you to even think about having children, whether it makes sense for you to think about aspiring to buy a home," Harris said during a discussion at the "Fight for Our Freedoms" event in September 2023, a clip that resurfaced since she became the 2024 Democratic nominee.

OK, Madam Vice President, time to look into buying a used Greyhound or Trailways bus to convert. If it's good enough for Lynyrd Skynrd on tour, it's good enough for a politician.

And yes, we all know about Trump Force One and its likely carbon footprint. But Donald Trump isn't going on and on about the rest of us burning fossil fuels getting to the grocery store and back or keeping our houses warm while he's jetting about in his own personal airliner. Again, he's a former (and, with a bit of luck, the future) President of the United States - we can scarcely expect him to queue up to buy tickets on Southwest Airlines.

The upshot of all this? Kamala Harris is a hypocrite, yes - but she's also utterly clueless, and blind as to the appearances her behavior sets. She's the worst presidential candidate in living memory, and what's scary is that a plurality of the American people are willing to give her nuclear weapons release authority. 

We really do live in interesting times.


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