Trump Campaign, RNC Suing Nevada Over Non-Citizen Voter Registrations


One of the primary roles of our state legislatures and the various secretaries of state around the republic is to ensure the validity of our elections. A primary part of making such an assurance is to make sure our voter registration rolls are accurate and up-to-date and only include those who are legally entitled to vote. There have been, in recent years, many efforts to do precisely this, and it speaks volumes that there is always one party in favor of ensuring our voter registration rolls are accurate and valid - and the other party is against any such efforts.


In one such effort, the Donald Trump presidential campaign, the Republican National Committee, and the Nevada Republican Party are suing Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar for illegally allowing non-citizens to register to vote. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley, in a Trump campaign email to supporters, stated:

"Allowing non-citizens to vote suppresses legal voters, undermines the democratic system, and violates the law. Democrats continue to put non-citizens first and Americans last as they allow non-citizens to vote and interfere in American elections. We have filed suit in Nevada to protect the vote and stop this Democrat election interference scheme.”

Nevada GOP chair Michael McDonald also said:

"Nevada’s elections should be a reflection of its citizens’ voices, not influenced by non-citizens who have no legal standing to participate. Any efforts to allow non-citizens to vote threatens the very foundation of our elections and diminishes the power of lawful voters across our state. This isn't just a legal issue—it’s about protecting the rights of Nevadans and preserving the integrity of our elections."

The complaint may be viewed in its entirety here. The key argument:

In Nevada, only U.S. citizens should be able to register to vote in Nevada elections. And Nevada law requires that the Secretary of State, as the chief election official for Nevada,
regularly maintain the voter rolls to remove ineligible voters.

But, Francisco Aguilar, the current Secretary of State, is failing in his list-maintenance and investigatory duties to ensure that only U.S. citizens are registered and voting in
Nevada elections.


This begs an obvious question: Why should it take a lawsuit to force a secretary of state to carry out one of his primary, most fundamental duties?

See Related: NEW: SCOTUS Allows Arizona Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship in Voter Registration to Take Effect 

Speaker Johnson Announces Stop-Gap Proposal Will Include Proof of Citizenship Voting Rules in SAVE Act

Note that it is always Republicans who are leading these efforts to ensure voter registrations are valid; it is always Democrats who oppose any such effort. That tells you something, doesn't it?

It's impossible to have valid elections without valid voter registration rolls. It's impossible to have a representative republic - yes, Vice President Harris, that's what we are; the United States is not and never has been a democracy - without valid elections.

Without valid elections, we no longer have a country. And Democrats like Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar are bending over backward to avoid any effort to make sure our elections are valid. These days, questioning the validity of an election - any election - gets one branded as a conspiracy theorist by Democrats and the legacy media - but I repeat myself. That's anything but surprising, and this increasing tendency from the left to play shenanigans with voter registrations can only lead one to a single conclusion: They will do anything, anything at all, to gain power and keep it.



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