United States Census: Trump's Economy Was Clearly Better Than Biden/Harris'


The United States Census Bureau has released a tranche of information on the American economy and how well Americans are doing under the Biden/Harris administration. While all that is interesting, and while there is a wealth of information there that may take days to completely digest, Republican activist Zach Parkinson has done an interesting breakdown of how the current economic status of average Americans stacks up against their status during the Trump presidency.


The results are, to put it mildly, revealing.

Let's look at some of the specifics.

That's *7 times* the increase we saw under Harris-Biden (just over $1,000)   The same is true across all major racial groups

We see here three years of data from each administration; in both cases, the first three years of a first term. While the overall rate of real household income increase was around seven times greater under Trump than under Biden/Harris, the states for minority groups are also impressive. While black Americans say real household income increased during the Trump administration by twice the amount of that under Biden/Harris, Hispanic and Asian Americans saw nearly ten times the increase during the Trump years. 

Of course, it's more informative to look at what percentage increase this represents, and there, again, the advantage is to the Trump years.


To put that into perspective, if you had the same real growth from '20 - '23 that we had in the first 3 years of the Trump admin, the median household income would be nearly $88,000 

That's $7,300 higher than it actually is today

Here the benefits across all groups balanced out more evenly, with all demographics seeing a roughly 10-15 percent increase in the Trump years - and a distinctly anemic 1-5 percent in the Biden/Harris years.

While there is much more data in the entire X thread - and by all means, read the whole thing - one great indicator of the difference in economic policies involves the number of people who climbed above the official poverty level in each administration.

Again, a clear advantage: Trump.

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The poverty indicator is especially revealing when you consider a major philosophical difference between left and right in this country where economics and poverty are concerned. The left tends to judge the success of economic policy by the number of people receiving government handouts, while the right tends to judge such success by the number of people who no longer need government support. That's in large part because the left thinks wealth is something to be distributed, while the right (correctly) thinks that wealth is something that is created and earned.


This data, furthermore, is hard for the left to argue with, as it comes from one of their sacred cows: Government. And the Trump campaign would be well advised to read this report, digest it, and convert it into talking points. It's a pretty clear illustration of the success of the previous administration's economic successes vs. the current administration's failures, and it comes from a source that the left can't easily dismiss.


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