WATCH: End of Month Fast Approaching: Will Kamala Answer Questions? Top Harris Advisor: 'I Don't Know.'

Donald Trump, Kamala Harris. (Credit: AP Photo/Matt Rourke/Yuki Iwamura)

Political rhetoric, once upon a time, was intelligent, uplifting, informative, and eloquent. I've read almost everything written by that prolific Roman statesman, Marcus Tullius Cicero, and he had a gift that is not seen today - at least, not in politics. Cicero paid a price for his eloquence, as he met his end with his head and hands nailed to the Rostrum. But he told the truth as he saw it, not only eloquently but frequently. 


But now? There is no Cicero. Our executive branch is run by a befuddled old fool and a cackling nitwit who is doing everything she can to evade answering a direct question. For weeks now, people have been asking one thing: When is Kamala Harris going to answer some unscripted questions? When is she going to try to talk about something without having a teleprompter in front of her face?

The answer, from her "top advisor" Mitch Landrieu, is, as we see, "I don't know." What a joke. Have a look:

Why is she refusing to answer any unscripted questions? That's obvious: She's no stinkin' good at it. Kamala Harris is one of the most inarticulate people to ever enter national politics, even more so than befuddled old Joe himself. She's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, either, and when you consider that the Democrat drawer includes such dull blades as Hank "Guam could capsize" Johnson, well, she's up against some pretty tough competition.


The Harris/Walz team is trying for another basement campaign, and they don't have COVID-19 to blame it on this time around. Even some in the legacy media are starting to ask just exactly what is going on, and as we noted, the answer from the campaign is "I don't know." Can you imagine how embarrassing it must be to be speaking for this campaign? One would almost feel some sympathy for Mitch Landrieu, but as the old saying goes, when you dine at the devil's table, you don't get to choose the menu.

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Here's the thing: Some of these people, at some level, including probably Harris herself, know that she's just not any good at this. An unscripted, unscreened press conference, where she would have to answer questions from people like Peter Doocy, would be an unmitigated disaster. Her campaign staff have to know that they can't let this happen.

I'll essay a prediction here: Kamala Harris will drag this out as long as she can. The first debate is fast approaching; I'll be mildly surprised if she holds a press conference before then. That debate is where the rubber meets the road, and if the vice president holds true to form, Donald Trump may well be able to dispatch her election hopes as adroitly as he did Joe Biden's. And, another prediction: Donald Trump will destroy her in the debate. She'll be well-rehearsed, no doubt, and will have some talking points she has practiced and will deliver smoothly, but if Kamala Harris has demonstrated anything in her three and a half years as VPOTUS, it's that she can't think on her feet. 



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