
The DNC Protesters: Crazy on Parade!

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The Democratic National Convention starts today! And boy howdy, is it already shaping up to be a show or what? The crazy is on parade, and no, I'm not talking about the politicians. Yet. I'll get to them because believe you me, the outpouring of crazy from the Harris/Walz campaign alone will give us plenty to talk about.

But until that gets going, we have the protesters outside the venue to talk about, and there is quite the crop; I haven't seen this much crazy in one place since the last Democratic National Convention.

There are going to be thousands cramming the streets of Chicago with a variety of issues to whine about.

Thousands of activists are expected to converge on Chicago this week for the Democratic National Convention, hoping to call attention to abortion rights, economic injustice and the war in Gaza.

While Vice President Kamala Harris has energized crowds of supporters as she prepares to accept the Democratic nomination, progressive activists maintain their mission remains the same. 

Activists say they learned lessons from last month’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and are predicting bigger crowds and more robust demonstrations in Chicago, a city with deep social activism roots.

Their mission does indeed remain the same, and that mission is evidently, as the kids say, "Let your freak flag fly!"

Let's look at some of the groups that really stand out. 

Queers for Palestine. Yes, these nuts are already represented on the streets of Chicago.

This is Richter-scale cluelessness here. In Gaza - or Kabul, or Tehran - these people would literally be hanged or tossed unceremoniously off rooftops. The very idea that they think they can make common cause with the people who burned babies, beheaded adults, burned families in their homes, and executed elderly people is astounding. I would ask why they don't go to Gaza and join the struggle, except it's certain that at some level, they realize what would happen to them in that event. They're crazy - but not that stupid.

Free Abortion on Demand. We can argue the issue of abortion itself all day long. 

The Supreme Court has sent the issue where it belongs, back to the states, and our 50 laboratories in government seem to have arrived at the consensus that abortion up to a certain point is acceptable - unfortunate but acceptable. Most states draw a line somewhere, making it a discussion of where that acceptable line ends; somewhere between six weeks and birth. That's how federalism works. But the point here is the "free" part. This isn't an abortion issue; this craziness is part of the larger issue that these nitwits seem to demand "free" everything. Free abortion, free health care, next it will be free housing and free groceries. The thing they don't understand - or don't care - is that they are demanding someone else pay for these things, as TANSTAAFL applies in this as in all things. It's not the responsibility of the taxpayers to pick up the tab for the consequences of someone's bad decisions.

See Related: The Uncivilized World Is Ready to Spill Out of Chicago 

Things Get Crazy Even Before the DNC Officially Opens As Protesters Threaten to 'Bring the War Home'

Beta soy-boy man-bun males. This group will, trust me, be amply represented. But in this, there is a little bit of hope.

The first time I saw a scrawny beta male with a man bun - and it always seems to be a scrawny beta male wearing a man bun - I wondered if he was trying to cosplay a samurai or something. I thought, "Oh, yeah, my grandmother used to wear her hair like that." And that's fine; nitwits of all sorts should be conspicuous. But the upside here has to do with Planned Parenthood's mobile "health care" facility outside the DNC. Line up for those vasectomies, boys! We'd prefer you not be breeding, and it will help tamp down the "free abortion on demand" issue, too. The world is crazy enough already.

The show in Chicago will be going on all week. Here at RedState, we will be watching all of this so you don't have to and bringing you the literal blow-by-blow of events both inside and outside the venue. It's going to be some of the most entertaining political commentary of the cycle. Stay tuned!


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