
The Uncivilized World Is Ready to Spill Out of Chicago

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

During his conversation with Donald Trump on X, Elon Musk said something incredibly poignant, and it was probably the greatest line of the night. 

"I think we're at a fork in the road of the destiny of civilization," he said

A short line, but it really encompasses the stake. I know every election year we say this is the most important election of our lives, but I really feel it here. When Obama was elected president, he said he was going to "fundamentally change America," and that's been the Democrat Party's goal for ages now. Watching how the left has been transformed into a radicalized mess of anarchy and communism has been both fascinating and horrifying. Nothing is sacred to these people except power, and you are either a means to an end or a hurdle to be removed. 

The Democrats believe they have the keys to Utopia and all they need to do is get to the door, but too many things block the path. The truth is, they don't have the keys. They suffer from the same hubris that every entity throughout time has had, dating all the way back to Lucifer, that they could "fix" creation. All they do in the attempt to literally play God is bring down chaos, destruction, and suffering. 

Right now, we're being shown what a country under the Democrats would look like. As Nick Arama covered in this article about the weirdness going on at the DNC, Chicago is the epicenter of both great evil and unruly behavior. 

(READ: Things Get Crazy Even Before the DNC Officially Opens As Protesters Threaten to 'Bring the War Home')

Katie Pavlich's post on X gave you some insight into what was going on around the DNC but I would argue this doesn't even begin to cover the insanity. 

People marching as abortion pills, giant inflatable IUD's, and mobile units that offer abortions and vasectomies litter the area, making human sacrifice easier than ever before. Looking at it for what it is, it's all very anti-human. 

Then there's Antifa, demonstrators, protesters, and the constant threat of violence at any given moment. They are all very capable of violence and have demonstrated so throughout the last decade. It's a very brainwashed, angry, and spiteful group of people who wish for nothing more than to have their way be the only way.

And it's that kind of attitude one has to keep in mind in order to understand the mindset of the Democrat Party. It hates you, it hates that your civilization exists, it wants to tear it down and put in its own, which is an authoritarian rule where it controls everything. 

They want to implement the same failed form of government you've seen throughout history. 

Funny enough, the only thing holding all this chaos in and running out of control in the city is the very thing it openly detests. Lines of police form human walls, keeping the protesters and demonstrators contained. Police march down the street like an army, making sure that all of this chaos and anarchy that the Democrat Party created doesn't threaten the Party itself. The same police that many on the left have stated that they want to defund and make disappear. 

One has to wonder what Chicago would look like if these people actually had their way and the police were all but non-factors. What kind of scene would we see in Chicago now? I think we know. We've seen it before during the Black Lives Matter riots. Assaults, destruction, murder, and fire. Innocent people suffering for no good reason. 

The taxpayers who fund civilization are currently keeping Chicago from burning to the ground, as the very people who created this potential for chaos tell you they know how to run the country better than the people who don't need miles of police to keep things civilized. 

Let me say that a different way. 

You're the only thing stopping the Democrats from destroying everything. They are not running for you, they're running for them, and you are a complication, not a people to be at the service of. They're happy to use you to keep it together for themselves, but what happens when they aren't in need of the area and protection isn't necessary? 

Things collapse. 

I think we're at a fork in the road of the destiny of civilization, and the DNC proves this. 


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