
Ten Reasons to Vote Against Kamala Harris

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

I'm pretty certain I'm not the only one who can't listen to any utterance by Kamala Harris without a shudder of revulsion. She's grating and abrasive, probably the most unlikeable political figure short of Her Imperial Majesty Hillary I, Dowager-Empress of Chappaqua. Even at that, it's a close call — and when it comes to unlikeable political figures, the Democratic Party presents some pretty stiff competition. 

While there are many good reasons to vote for Donald Trump and against Kamala Harris, some reasons stand out. So, without further ado, here are ten great reasons to vote against Kamala Harris.

1: She's not terribly bright. I know she went to law school and was the Attorney General of California, but that's not a guarantee of intellectual acumen. Kamala Harris has never shown any signs of being overly swift; one measure I use to judge intelligence is the ability to speak extemporaneously, and at this, Kamala Harris fails miserably. This brings me to:

2: She's a horrible speaker. She can manage, sort of, with a teleprompter running in front of her face. But listen to her in an interview or any informal setting. Her word salads are the subject of international ridicule; her grating cackle makes the most hardened, knee-jerk liberals break out in hives.

See Related: WATCH: Heartbreak in KamalaWorld After Hilariously Brutal 'Daily Show' Skit on Infamous Word Salads

3: She raised money to bail out the 2020 "Summer of Love" rioters. This is inexcusable for anyone, much less a prominent political figure. Kamala Harris provided aid and comfort to people who caused billions in property damage, attacked police officers, and caused a number of deaths, including one targeted murder. And Kamala Harris used her name and position to raise funds to put these people back on the street.

4: She utterly failed at her task of getting illegal immigration under control. Millions have crossed into our country under Biden/Harris, most of them unscreened, unvetted, unknown; nobody knows where many of them came from, where they intend to go, or what they intend to do when they get there. The Biden/Harris administration not only allowed this foreign invasion but encouraged it.

See Related: A Look at Kamala's Track Record As VP: Numerous Assignments and Just As Many 'Incompletes'

5: She is completely out of touch with normal people. Kamala Harris has, since her entry into the political world, lived a life of wealth and privilege. When, we might ask, was the last time she bought a carton of eggs, a gallon of milk — or a gallon of gasoline? She advocates for policies that hammer the economy and make life harder for average Americans while being herself insulated from the effects of those policies.

6: She has never seen a tax hike she didn't like. (See #5, above.) Kamala Harris apparently ascribes to the ridiculous notion that a nation can tax itself into prosperity. 

See Related: 'Succession by Defenestration': Jonathan Turley Slams Dems' Disposal of Biden, Coronation of Harris

7: She is fundamentally opposed to the Second Amendment and American's rights to keep and bear arms. During the 2020 Democratic primaries, she threatened to use executive action, if necessary, to ban "assault weapons" and engage in other unconstitutional actions against Americans' freedom to own guns for self-defense — or any other reason.

8: She wants to ban fracking and restrict American energy development. This comes back to economics — as everything does. Her favored policies would raise prices on energy from electricity to heating oil, natural gas, gasoline, and diesel fuel. These policies, since every consumer product has to be manufactured in climate-controlled plants and shipped to the point of use, raise the cost of everything Americans buy in their everyday lives. And, as noted above, she cares not, because she is sheltered from the consequences of those policies.

See Related: Kamala Harris on Energy Policy: America's Worst Nightmares Come True

9: She voted against legislation that would have protected babies born alive after a botched abortion. Even Communist China, once a baby is born alive, grants that child the protection of citizenship. It's utterly horrifying that any medical provider would let a baby, born alive, just die — or that anyone would favor a law allowing that.

10: And most of all: She aided in the coverup of President Joe Biden's mental and physical deterioration. She took part in a — yes, a conspiracy — to maintain a vacuum of power in the American presidency, to maintain a cipher, a non-entity, in the chair of the office that wields more power than any head of state in the world.

See Related: Who's Running the Country? Netanyahu Left Hanging As Biden, Harris Go MIA

There are as many reasons to vote against Kamala Harris as there are stars in the sky. But she has an opponent; she contends against a former president who has a track record of his own, and who just days ago literally bounded to his feet after being shot. But the best reason to vote, not only against Kamala Harris but for Donald Trump, is this: When Donald Trump is reelected, the hue and cry from the nation's leftist elites will be glorious to hear; Trump's reelection will make liberal heads explode, and that, in itself, is reason enough to vote for the Trump/Vance ticket.


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