
'Transgender' Athlete Vows to Take 'All the Records'

AP Photo/Pat Eaton-Robb, File

Have you ever driven through a town and seen one of these distinctive buildings, rectangular, with windows around the front, a distinctive red roof, and a big parking lot? A building that now sits empty, no doubt gathering dust inside? These buildings are very distinctive, and no matter what entrepreneur buys them, no matter how much paint they slap on it or how much landscaping they replace, everyone looking at that building knows that it used to be a Pizza Hut.

People can be like that, too. Years and years ago, before I entered the service myself, I rented an apartment from an old retired bird Colonel, Army-type, who had served his entire career in the Infantry. He served in the Korean War and two tours in Vietnam, had been wounded three times, had a Silver Star and two awards of the Bronze Star, and anyone who looked at his buzz-cut, narrowed-gaze countenance knew immediately that this was one hell of a tough old soldier.

In other cases, you can't look at some of these dudes LARPing as women in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) sports and think anything but, "That's a man." No matter how they dress, no matter how long they grow their hair, no matter how they talk, the conclusion is inescapable. Now, in another such, we have a nastily unrepentant type, one CeCé Telfer, making some pretty amazing statements about his being allowed to compete against actual women.

CeCé Telfer, a transgender athlete who won an NCAA women’s track and field championship in 2019, vowed in a recent interview to return to indoor competition and come away with wins.

Telfer sparked controversy earlier this year with wins in indoor track meets in the New England area. However, with a new book out, Telfer vowed to take home more than just a medal.

And that's the real stunner; get a load of Telfer's statement:

"I look forward to indoor track, because 2024 indoors is going to be epic," Telfer said in an interview with Them. "My dreams were taken away from me once again. So I plan on going back to New England, hitting up all the indoor competitions, and taking all the names, all the records, and everything.

"That doesn’t look like first all the time, that doesn’t look like second place, that doesn’t look like podium all the time, but the track meets that count will count. That’s what’s burning this fire in my heart and in my body. So it’s keeping me going to know that I can go to indoor competitions and still be the girl to talk about, period."

You're not the girl to talk about, CeCé, because you're a dude no matter how much paint you slap on.

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The only possible reason the NCAA can still be allowing this horse squeeze to continue is because they are afraid of the backlash from this small but extremely vocal community, along with their supporters in the various levels of government, not to mention the legacy media; but since when did timidity take precedence over fairness? The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) has effectively banned this hideously unfair practice. Why can't the NCAA show similar fortitude and do the right thing?

Telfer's continued statement is a vivid illustration of talking a lot and not saying anything that makes sense:

"Because I’m like, why are we going back? Why are we reverting? We’re literally going back in history," Telfer said. "This is not real life, because we were moving forward and now we’re moving backwards. This is scary. The fact that people are powerful enough to move backwards is scary, not only for transgender women, but it should be scary for society at large because people think that [anti-trans advocates are] going to stop at transgender women. No. They’ve always been policing women’s bodies. It’s going down to cis women and what’s going on in their lives and their bodies."

Let's take a moment to deconstruct that. 

First, we're not "going back in history." The NAIA has taken steps to acknowledge biological reality and to ensure fairness by preventing mid-range dudes LARPing as women from unfairly taking titles and scholarships away from actual women, and the NCAA is remiss in not doing likewise. Second, this isn't about policing women's bodies — and, yes, we can all see, Mr. Telfer, that you're trying to draw an analogy to abortion, and it fails at the onset — and stop using the term "cis women," it's just "women." It is about what's going on in their lives — they are losing titles and scholarships to "transgender" types who are, to put it bluntly, cheating. Third and finally, the blind arrogance of this guy!

Men and women are different. Men have significant, measurable advantages in speed, strength, and endurance. Even pre-puberty, those differences exist. The NCAA is allowing a hideously unfair practice. These are facts.

CeCé Telfer is just one more mediocre male athlete who saw an opening in a social contagion and has grabbed it to leverage himself into a prominence he never could have achieved fairly. That's all there is to it, and mediocre male athletes will continue pulling this until the NCAA and all the other athletics organizations put a stop to it.


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