
Will 2024 Be the Summer of the Frat Boy?

AP Photo/Adam Hunger

Sometimes heroes arise where we didn't expect them.

When I went to college in the early '80s, I was an "unconventional student." I was married, going to school on the new GI Bill, had a kid, and thus wasn't in the mainstream of campus life. But I had a few buddies, definite BroDude types, who were members of the University of Northern Iowa's modest Greek community. We teased them with the term "frat rats," which they mostly took in good humor.

Things have changed a lot since those days. Oh, we had our campus protesters; the El Salvador thing was a common whining point among campus lefties, as were the policies of the Reagan administration. But for the most part, things were pretty peaceful. Nowadays, though, we have a problem - pro-Hamas useful idiots are causing trouble all over. But there has arisen a counter; patriotic young men are rising to clap back at the useful idiots, to protect the American flag, to shout "USA" at the nitwits. Across the country, it's looking like it will be the Summer of the Frat Boy, and it's enough to give one hope in the upcoming generation. The Daily Signal's Tyler O'Neil has some comments that bear consideration.

As anti-Israel rioters occupy college campuses and harass Jewish students in the name of supporting Palestine, brave young men are standing up to them, rallying around the American flag and the national anthem in counterprotest. This patriotic—or, as conservative Gen Zers might say, “based”—backlash may set a new tone as America moves from a destructive spring into a more hopeful summer.

Anti-Israel protesters replaced the American flag on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s quad with a Palestinian flag on April 30. Police restored the American flag, and then about 30 members of the fraternity Pi Kappa Phi stood around the flag, defending it from anti-Israel protesters as they attempted to take it down again.

Videos of the brave frat boys spread online, and Americans cheered the patriotic young men.

We didn't expect them, but we should be glad the based frat boys are among us. BroDudes they may be, but they are holding their ground without relenting or apologizing.

See Related: WATCH: Frat Dudes Race to the Rescue Again With Hilarious Challenge to Antifa During U-Washington Event 

MUST-SEE: Pro-American Students Take Back Their Campuses, 'USA' Chants Leave Hamas Simps Raging

And they are, as my British friend would say, kicking bottom.

It's a great thing to see.

A conservative fundraiser on GoFundMe for the frat boys of the University of North Carolina who protected the American flag from idiot pro-Hamas (but I repeat myself) protesters has raised over half a million dollars for the fellows to have a "rager," and given how the fundraiser has exploded - I can't imagine how many kegs of beer half a mil would buy - there is discussion underway to bring in donations of money to charities and so forth. This is a great illustration of a brave act by a few yielding unexpected fruit.

Speaking of which: The conservative beer brand Ultra Right Beer is planning a "Frat Boy Summer" event at a University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill frat house to celebrate the actions of these young patriots, so they may not even be required to buy their kegs. Not that they should; I would buy any of these young patriots a beer, any time, any place.

Is this part of a great awakening? I suspect not. I suspect young men - young people - like this are among us and always have been. Like their older counterparts, most of them aren't about shouting and waving signs. Most of them - most of us - just want to go about our daily affairs, mind our own business, and not be bothered. But when screeching, Hamas-flag-waving idiots are in our faces, that becomes difficult. And so some of us start to push back.

We're looking at a long, hot summer. Not only will Israel unapologetically continue their current process of un-aliving Hamas terrorists, but there is an election going on here in the United States, and it's bound to be a contentious one. There will be protests, there will likely be riots, and the parade of useful idiots will continue, on campuses and the streets of our cities. The useful idiots will be out in force.

There will also be replies. The based frat boys, those courageous, patriotic BroDudes, have shown us the way. They are to be vocally congratulated and encouraged. They are the way forward. As long as they are around, never shall the American flag be allowed to touch the ground.

One more thing: Never again will I use the term "frat rat."


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