MSNBC Hosts Suddenly Concerned Over Safety of Supreme Court Justices

Townhall Media

Suddenly, amazingly, astoundingly, MSNBC host Chris Hayes is concerned for the safety and security of Supreme Court Justices. Not the U.S. Supreme Court, mind you, which was "packed" by President Trump with "illegitimate" justices, despite them all having been nominated and confirmed exactly in compliance with the Constitution. No, he's worried about Colorado Supreme Court justices, who earlier in the week decided to find a rationale in one of the most torturously argued cases in history to keep former President Trump off the Colorado primary ballot.


Now Chris Hayes is concerned. Newsbusters' Jorge Bonilla brings us the scoop.

Watch as former CNN chief legal analyst and notorious Zoom onanist Jeffrey Toobin shares these concerns, with brow that is furrowed, with host Chris Hayes towards the end of their segment on the Colorado ruling:

Hayes says:

The final thing I’ll say, and ask you Jeff, is- there's also that threat of violence towards the judges, the justices on the state supreme court and the SCOTUS justices. Like, they signed that majority opinion per curiam anonymously,honestly essentially. You can look up their names. But that's a real concern as well.

Oh, now it's a real concern? Where was MSNBC when Chuck Schumer was openly threatening Neil Gorsuch, among other members of the U.S. Supreme Court?

Jeffrey Toobin, who we are delighted and relieved to note at all times kept his hands where we could see them, replied:


Yeah, and this- there is violence hovering, you know, there was just an arrest in Arizona that didn't get much publicity recently about someone threatening to kill, you know, all sorts of federal officials. You know, violence hangs over this. January 6th was- was, you know, there is an aggressive prosecution that has taken place, but rightwing violence in this country is continuing, and the FBI director has spoken about how difficult it is to stop it, and it hasn’t gone away.

I would remind the notorious onanist, Mr. Toobin, about the Dobbs-leak protests, when protesters illegally picketed the homes of Supreme Court justices; the left didn't seem to have a lot to say about that. Someone who presumably objected to the leaked decision was even arrested for apparently plotting the assassination of as many as three Supreme Court justices.  The response from most of the legacy media:

Look, it's been a while since anyone with enough IQ points to pound sand took MSNBC seriously as a news outlet. Chris Hayes and Jeffrey Toobin, who is still trying desperately to be taken seriously by anyone but his urologist, didn't even necessarily have the worst take on the whole Colorado thing. However, at MSNBC, that bar is set really, really low.


At MSNBC, though, like much of the legacy media, intellectual honesty or even consistency is not on the plate. They do not operate from principle. With these people, it's all about The Side. If the Colorado Supreme Court justices had been appointed by Bill Owens, Colorado's last Republican Governor, if they had ruled precisely opposite of how it actually went down, and those justices were then overtly threatened, Hayes would be silent, and Toobin would be Toobin'.


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