Hillary is Ready to Come Out of the Woods; Maybe She Should Stay Put

Are you ready for Hillary?  Because she says she’s ready to come out of the woods and make her not-so-triumphant return to politics.

From the AP:

Hillary Clinton said Friday she’s “ready to come out of the woods” and help Americans find common ground.

Clinton’s gradual return to the public spotlight following her presidential election loss continued with a St. Patrick’s Day speech in her late father’s Pennsylvania hometown of Scranton.

“I’m like a lot of my friends right now, I have a hard time watching the news,” Clinton told an Irish women’s group.

But she urged a divided country to work together to solve problems, recalling how, as first lady, she met with female leaders working to bring peace to Northern Ireland.

“I do not believe that we can let political divides harden into personal divides. And we can’t just ignore, or turn a cold shoulder to someone because they disagree with us politically,” she said.


Does she hear herself?

Has a hard time watching the news?  She literally created the news.  She rattled off about how Trump was working with the Russians for literally months.  She’s released videos suggesting she wants to continue to “Resist.”  She and the media hand picked Trump as the Republican nominee.  They thought he was defeatable.  They thought he was going to implode and be laughed away into insignificance.  When she turns on the TV to see Donald Trump spouting off his latest horsecrap, it’s because she literally put him there.  You don’t get to polarize and alienate half the country and then lement the news of that.

The “Political Divide?”  Who is the woman who called Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables?” She literally personifies the divide.  She preaches that we can’t let these political differences turn into personal differences, yet literally alienates the entire country because she lost.  She throws a literal temper tantrum the night of the election, (for the record Trump throws them all the time; this isn’t a defense of him) disappears from public view (which is what all failed Presidential candidates have done (no complaints on this), only to then make videos and announce her return to “heal the nation.”  GET. OUT.


Can we expect her to be honest about her motives?  Absolutely not.  If there is anything Hillary has proven to be, it is a pathological liar.  She doesn’t have the best interests of the Nation at heart.  She doesn’t even have the best interest of her party at heart, because if she did, she would have stepped aside for much more likeable and electable candidates.  She cleared the field, threatened her enemies, bribed competitors, and rigged the game for her own win.  If we are suddenly supposed to believe that she wants to fix the country that she had a hand in tearing in two?

I would no more trust Hillary Clinton to repair my toilet than I do to repair my country.

Unless the first thing out of her mouth is a list of things she expects to help leaders work with Trump on, she’s just playing everyone for fools.

Do us all a favor Hillary:  Stay in the woods.

Just in case you need a laugh about this all:


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