You have to give it to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in that she is consistently inconsistent.
Word leaked from Lansing yesterday that her royal Governoress was easing restrictions on going to movies, bowling, and stadiums that have been closed by her executive fiats. Yet, the numbers for the COVID curve have not changed; they have been the same for some time.
According to the Detroit News
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued major executive orders Friday afternoon that will reopen movie theaters, stadiums and other businesses that have been closed since March as well as ease limits on public gatherings across the state.
The new changes will begin reviving some sectors of Michigan’s economy while allowing more people to come together for events such as receptions and funerals during the pandemic.
Theaters, performance venues, arcades, bingo halls, bowling centers, indoor climbing facilities, amusement parks and trampoline parks will be able to reopen Oct. 9, according to Whitmer’s office. But businesses will have to keep records on those entering their facilities in case of an outbreak, so they can be contacted later.
As I mentioned above, we have been in a flattened curve for some time. We get 600 or 700 new cases per day and the daily death rate has been mostly under 10 for three months. During this time, she has constantly said that it was not safe to open up being we needed to STOP COVID at any cost. So what changed from last week to Oct 9th?
My guess is an election is coming and Michigan is once again up for grabs and she wants to start playing nice with those who may not love her as much as she loves herself. Also, as I wrote here a couple of days ago, a new petition has gathered enough signatures to take away her Executive Orders superpowers. Michigan Governor Might Lose Her Emergency Powers Soon. She might be hedging her bets a bit to save face.
Whitmer has had the look of a deer in the headlights during this crisis. From not allowing people to buy gardening supplies from a big box store like Home Depot when that action was fine at smaller stores, to kids wearing masks during high school football games, she seems like she is making it up as she goes along.
That is not how someone who actually cares about the citizens…errr subjects of the state she leads should act.
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