Welcome to week E-L-E-V-E-N of posting numbers for COVID-19 here in the State of Michigan as released by the Official Michigan Government website. These are the numbers released earlier this afternoon by the State of Michigan
*The total number of confirmed cases: 52,350 which is a 435 person increase from the previous day.
*Deaths: 5,017 total deceased which is a *102 person increase from the previous day.
*Note on deaths (05/19/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 43 additional deaths identified by this methodology.
*Currently 9.5% of those who have been confirmed to have contracted COVID-19 have perished. This leaves the survival rate currently at 90.5%. (This does NOT reflect all 9.9 million people in the state, just those who have tested positive.)
*The state is reporting that only 28,234 have recovered from COVID-19 since May 16th.
*Overall Percentage of Cases by Sex:
47% are Men
53% are Women
1% Unknown
*Overall Percentage of Deceased by Sex:
53% of Men (change of 0% from the previous day)
47% of Women (change of 0% from the previous day)
**At the suggestion of a reader of these posts, I will also be combining Wayne, Oakland and Macomb County totals being that is the bulk of Metro Detroit.**
*Combined tri-county area ( including Detroit) number of cases confirmed 33,737 which accounts for 64.4% of the cases in the state.
*Combined tri-county area ( including Detroit) number of deaths confirmed 3,747 which accounts for 78.8% of the deaths in the state.
*Detroit and Wayne County lead the state with 19,292 cases or 36.8% of the total in the state.
*Detroit and Wayne County account for 2,275 of the deaths in the state which are 45.3% of the current total in the state.
The city of Detroit is in the County of Wayne so that is why they are combined here.
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