More people in Michigan seem to be doing their best John Hancock impersonation to (Guv) Queen George-ette of the state.
As I have written HERE, HERE and HERE the people of Michigan are getting restless.
The Mayor of a small town in the Great Lakes State is the latest to chime in.
James A Huguelet is the Mayor of Perry, Michigan. The city of just over 2,000 people and just east of the State Capitol of Lansing, just sent Governor Whitmer a message that she will not like. They are opening up for business next week and not going to wait until May 28th.
According to the city’s’ website, the city hall will reopen next Monday the 18th. The Mayor also declared that the local law enforcement will not cooperate with other law enforcement agencies in enforcing the Guv’s executive orders and he is encouraging businesses to get back to business.
Below is the text of the letter posted to the city’s website.
It is past time that government leadership treat the people of Michigan and of Perry like the responsible, thoughtful adults they are. I write today to state clearly my opposition to some of Governor Whitmer’s executive orders. While I understand and share her desire to protect the public, I question some of the restrictions she has imposed as overstepping her executive authority. She has created a vague over-reaching framework of emergency laws that only confuse Michigan’s responsible thoughtful citizens.
Therefore, we will continue not having strict enforcement of these orders and effective immediately the City of Perry will not assist other law enforcement agencies in the strict enforcement of those orders. We will deal with every case as an individual situation and apply common-sense in assessing the apparent violation.
I took an oath to uphold and defend the Michigan Constitution, as well as the U.S. Constitution and to ensure the god-given rights of the people of Perry are not violated. I believe the City of Perry as a municipal government is on the front line to defend your civil liberties.
Our focus needs to be on reopening our city and getting people back to work. We also need to be aware that this virus can be deadly and that we need to continue to practice social distancing, washing of hands, wearing of masks as well as other medically recommended measures. Allowing those without paychecks back to work is imperative to the economic success and well-being of our community. We can do this thoughtful and in stages especially where businesses adopt appropriate social hygiene practices.
Together, as a community, we will overcome this pandemic, and as American, we will preserver and come out of this stronger than before. Standing together, six feet apart, we are #Perrystrong. As Mayor for this community, I want you to know I have your back and will continue to serve the people who have entrusted me with your protection.
James A Huguelet
Mayor for The City of Perry.
Link to the Mayors order onFacebook.
Gov Whitmer has given some odd explanations for not buying the material at one store and not another and also for golfers not to use golf carts. She has not adequately explained the “data” and the “science” she says she is using to make these decisions. The blowback is beginning for not being a partner with cities in the state but just saying it is her way or the highway.
Which, by the way, the highways are still not fixed.
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