This is one of those times I am more grateful than usual to have a platform like Red State. Everyone here has a ton of different viewpoints, but we are all united in one common cause.
We are Pro-Life.
The case of Alfie Evans has struck a cord over here in the former colonies of the United Kingdom for a number of reasons. So many of the excellent writers here at Red State have spoken more eloquently than I ever could. Here are some of the examples.
This Is the Real Reason Britain Won’t Release Alfie Evans to Italy
The American Left Is Silent On Alfie Evans Since They Believe His Type Should Have Died In The Womb
Petition To The Queen Of England To Help Alfie Evans Reaches Hundreds Of Thousands Of Signatures
Would seem like a slam dunk for any developed, civilized nation like Britain to want to protect children. Take care of them. Give them a fighting chance to live.
Really, what country prevents parents from taking children to another country to receive care to extend their life? Since when is that a criminal activity?
Some in the U.K are willing to defend this evil policy and take to task those on this side of the pond who have an issue with it. Writer Sean O Grady at the Independent even takes issue with former politicians and talk show hosts here for commenting.
The nerve.
In his piece Americans using the Alfie Evans case to criticise the NHS are deluded about the realities of the US’s healthcare system, he takes to task former Governor Mike Huckabee, talk show host Steve Deace and Americans in general being we just don’t get it.
From the article
The bottom line, to be frank, is that parents cannot treat their child like an item of personal property with untrammelled liberty, or else there would be no laws against child abuse or cruelty. The issue before the courts was the pain and welfare of Alfie, no more or less.
thus, no parent can retain or dispose of a mortally ill child as they would a used car, and it is stupid to think human life is just another parental chattel. It isn’t, and nor should it be.
Of course, wanting to take your child to Italy for the care of an illness is akin to child abuse or owning a used car. #Amazing.
Well, Sean, you missed one current elected official who has been one of the few to speak out on this and has always spoken eloquently in the defense of the innocent.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
Senator Cruz on Wednesday released a statement that in part said
“I urge the UK government to grant the Evans family’s request to treat their precious child in Italy. Americans strive to achieve the promise of ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ for all our citizens, no matter how young or old. I encourage all my fellow Americans to join me today in praying for Alfie and his family.”
This may seem like an easy thing to do but if you have noticed not many current elected officials are weighing in on this matter here. Plus there are many other things our politicians could be talking about that aren’t as icky or could get them in trouble.
That is why I appreciate Senator Cruz offering a statement and just all around giving a damn about a lil boy he has never met, who is fighting for his life in a country, we used to call home.
If it was easy or popular everyone would be doing it, but it’s not.
I want to add my voice with Senator Cruz and all those that are praying for Alfie and his parents and for the UK government to see fit to do the right thing.
Thank you, Senator Cruz, for joining us here at Red State on the Pro-Life side. We appreciate it.
Below is Senator Ted Cruz’s Complete Statement on Alfie Evans
Cruz Press Office: 202-228-7561
Catherine Frazier: [email protected]
April 25, 2018
Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Alfie Evans
Urges UK government to grant family’s request to pursue medical treatment in Italy
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement urging the UK government to grant the request of the family of Alfie Evans to pursue medical treatment in Italy:
“Alfie Evans was born on May 9, 2016 in the United Kingdom. When he was only several months old, he was struck by a mysterious illness, and slipped into coma.
“Doctors initially thought that Alfie would not survive long, but he fought back time and time again, until a chest infection forced him to rely on a ventilator.
“Alfie’s parents, Kate James and Tom Evans, wish to seek experimental treatments for what is thought to be a mitochondrial condition. Italy has granted Alfie citizenship and offered to transport him to a Vatican hospital. But UK and European courts have denied their right to seek alternate treatments for their son and instead have forcibly kept him in a hospital. Now they have turned off the ventilator and are waiting for him to die. These events remind us of the tragic case of Charlie Gard last year.
“It is a sad irony that while the people of the UK are busy celebrating a royal birth, its government is brushing off a commoner’s right to life. It is a grim reminder that systems of socialized medicine like the NHS vest the state with power over human lives, transforming citizens into subjects.
“Alfie’s life support was turned off two days ago. National Health Service (NHS) doctors expected that he would pass away within minutes. Again, he fought back; at the time of this writing, he is continuing to breathe without assistance. But time is of the essence.
“I urge the UK government to grant the Evans family’s request to treat their precious child in Italy. Americans strive to achieve the promise of ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ for all our citizens, no matter how young or old. I encourage all my fellow Americans to join me today in praying for Alfie and his family.”
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