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On today’s edition of Coffee and Markets, Ben Domenech is joined by Rand Simberg, to discuss the end of NASA’s manned space program, Paul Krugman’s latest idiocy regarding space and preview of what Rand thinks the future of space exploration looks like.
We’re brought to you as always by BigGovernment and Stephen Clouse and Associates. If you’d like to email us, you can do so at coffee[at] We hope you enjoy the show.
Related Links:
Mothball The Space Shuttle
Space Policy, Explained (Part 3)
Krugman calls for space aliens to fix U.S. economy?
Paul Krugman Calls for Space Aliens to Attack Earth Requiring Massive Defense Buildup to Stimulate Economy
Perry slams Obama for closing down NASA’s space shuttle program
Rand Simberg’s Transterrestial Musings
Rand Simberg at the Competitive Enterprise Institute
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