BOOM!: JD Vance Shuts Up the 'Trump Is a Nazi' Crowd With One Simple Question

AP Photo/Chuck Burton

The left has really met their match in JD Vance. The vice presidential hopeful is extremely skilled at turning the tables on Democrats, thus exposing them as the feckless peddlers of misinformation that they so clearly are.


There has yet to be a line of attack that Vance hasn't been able to parry, with Kamala Harris's nonsense "Trump is a Nazi" campaign cry the latest to get the JD Vance treatment.

It all started with a tweet from the repugnant Megan Hunt, a state senator from Nebraska. Hunt was wetting the bed over Donald Trump's rally at Madison Square Gardens (MSG) and tweeted this in response to a photo posted by Trump prosecutor and equally repugnant Tristan Snell showing a 1939 Nazi rally at MSG:

They know! They love it!! It’s 100% on purpose and they think it’s funny and they cooked you if you don’t like it

It takes a sick person to post something like that, let alone attach it to the presidential nominee of one of the country's two major political parties. Then again, Hunt has a trans child and allegedly ditched the Democrat Party for not being progressive enough, so that's the mentality we're dealing with here.

One X/Twitter user wasn't going to let Hunt's inflammatory tweet go unchallenged and posted back to her: "My father fought in WWII against the NAZIs and was wounded. This comparison of Republicans and Nazis is atrocious. You should be ashamed of yourself." To which Hunt responded, "Yeah good point, we used to fight nazis not vote for them."

This caught JD Vance's attention, and he immediately jumped in to set the record straight for Megan Hunt.


If you're not on X/Twitter, here's the shot:

There are so many reasons this is ridiculous, but here's one: Who do you actually think the gross majority of the men who stormed the beaches at Normandy would vote for? The answer is obvious: Donald J. Trump.

Many (though their numbers are dwindling) are still with us. I'd love to see a real poll of the guys who actually did fight the Nazis. I'd bet a lot of money over 75 percent of them are voting to Make America Great Again.

And here's the chaser:

Vance makes a very good point here, one that will not please the likes of Megan Hunt, Tristan Snell, and Kamala Harris. Although we don't know exactly how America's World War II heroes would vote in 2024, we do have a pretty good idea.

A recent poll by Pew Research Center shows Donald Trump winning the military veteran vote by a wide margin, with Trump sitting at 61 percent and Harris at 37 percent. Pew concluded, "Military veterans have long tended to affiliate with the Republican Party and support Republican candidates, and that remains the case today."


To make matters worse for Harris, she chose Tim Walz as her running mate – the man whose lies are the very definition of "stolen valor." That kind of thing doesn't sit well with his fellow veterans, which includes JD Vance.

The Pew Research numbers are a direct rebuttal of the baseless line of attack by Democrats that Donald Trump disdains the military, as alleged by his now-discredited former chief of staff, John Kelly. Kelly also said Trump heaped praise on Adolf Hitler's generals, which started this latest round of "Trump is a Nazi" nonsense. 

Here's a fun fact for Democrats: JD Vance only recently turned forty, which means they have years of him putting them in their place ahead of them. It's going to be fun to watch.


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