With the Democrat-media complex completely distracted in pushing their latest “get Trump” narrative courtesy of the ChiCom virus, other critically important issues are being ignored. For example, when is the last time there was a major media story about the dastardly Trump Administration’s handling of “those poor illegal aliens and their children” crossing the border? The NY Times, Washington Post, and other legacy media outlets used to be filled with them. To the contrary, the only recent news on that front is this Breitbart article:
President Donald Trump and his deputies have shut down the coyote-run smuggling pipeline that has used federal agencies to deliver almost 500,000 youths and children to their illegal-alien parents living in northern cities.
What a great achievement, but of course, it got zero play in the legacy media because it doesn’t support their current anti-Trump virus-related narrative.
With Americans, thanks to the virus, finally being made aware of the value of strong border controls and screening people entering this country, now is the time for a moral crusade to once and for all demolish the Democrats’ politically correct baloney of supporting open borders and obstructing construction of the Wall. The reality is that enforcing our immigration laws and building the Wall are part of an American crusade to preserve the Republic for our progeny. And that includes providing a front line of defense against global pandemics, too!
The Crusades were fought between Christians and Muslims primarily during the 11th through 14th centuries for control of the Holy Land. Yes, there were other crusades (so-named), but these were the main ones remembered and castigated by the secular Left today such that the word “crusade” is banned in their “polite company.” Pretty much like they condemn, ban, and/or remove other Western historical references that don’t suit them, too.
In thinking about the Donald J. Trump political phenomenon – and in particular his ongoing plan encapsulated in that most excellent slogan “Make America Great Again” – I would argue that he (and we) are embarked on a veritable crusade ourselves, and restoring border security to pre-1965 conditions is an integral part of that crusade, along with resetting our misguided China policy, readjusting international trade, restoring US foreign policy to historical America-first norms, and other important endeavors. Restoring border security might even be a holy one when one realizes that the secular Left promote a religion of their own – secularism – in opposition to the intentions of The Founders.
Today’s American liberalism, it is often remarked, amounts to a secular religion: it has its own sacred texts and taboos, Crusades and Inquisitions. The political correctness that undergirds it, meanwhile, can be traced back to the past century’s liberal Protestantism. Conservatives, of course, routinely scoff that liberals’ ersatz religion is inferior to the genuine article.
Source linked here.
American patriots of all religions (less those of the jihadi persuasion) will “Make America Great Again” and preserve our American culture and institutions. It is surely a Crusade, but it just happens to be in our America, not overseas. Over the last 50 years, we have let the barbarians inside our “American gate of freedom” for two reasons: 1) Our political class lost their way because globalist interests captured them lock, stock and barrel, and 2) We The People let it happen!
Why did the Roman Empire fall? Why did Rome keep its military legions outside the city walls? While the Roman legions fought foreign wars, Rome decayed within the walls and eventually was sacked by the Gauls, Visigoth, Vandals, and Ostrogoths. Read more about the fall of Rome and how it happened here.
The build-up to Rome’s fall is eerily similar to conditions in present-day America, isn’t it, what with perpetual war since 2001 and the ongoing decay manifested in internal rioting, as well as a spate of articles over the past year about the “impending civil war in America,” steep declines in military readiness during the Obama years from which we have not yet recovered, and a myriad of other domestic issues. And now, the Democrats and ChiComs are making common cause in leveraging the ChiCom virus to achieve their main political goal, which is to defeat President Trump in the November election. A lot of foreign and domestic enemies need to be severely thrashed!
It is high time for all American fighters (our military) to win the war(s) in which they have been engaged for so long, to defeat the enemy on our terms according to executable rules of engagement and workable mission success criteria, and then to come home and protect the homeland from external invasion. Make no mistake; the waves of illegal aliens crossing our southern border are an invasion force, and radical islamo-fascist terrorists have also entered the US across that porous border over the past several years.
I’ve spent a lot of time in the Middle East and recognize the enemy. Radical Islam is the threat, and the jihadis are not bashful about telling the world what their agenda is. Yes, I have some friends and acquaintances there who I believe are good people, but since they will not stand up to the radicals, they are also part of the problem. Many radical Muslims in the Middle East are bad, very evil people, but African Muslims are even worse. They will rape anything that moves and have no guilt and no heart. Regions dominated by radical Muslims remain in the Middle Ages. Violence is their way of life. We cannot allow them to freely exert their hateful influence in the United States.
It is beyond interesting that Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait have taken in ZERO of the so-called refugees/migrants flooding into Western countries. I suspect they understand the threat better than our political class does through long experience. Why should we continue to accept them as American citizens when they refuse to assimilate? Assimilation should be a mandatory requirement for all refugees and other legal immigrants.
When Europe was faced with a Muslim invasion in the 17th century, the Polish King — King Jan Sobieski – saved Europe by beating back the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Vienna in 1683. Read more about him and what transpired at this important point in history here.
Now, check out what is happening these days in Central Europe. Hungarian President Viktor Orbán challenged EU migrant policy (and Germany in particular) by not accepting “migrants” from the Middle East, and in fact the Hungarians built their own wall to keep them out. Yes, walls do actually work! In Europe, people are saying that Poland and Hungary are the new “cradle of Western civilization because they dare to protect their borders, language and culture. Other European nations are waking up to the threat to their culture, too. Their strict border controls have worked pretty well in controlling the spread of the virus, too, as Poland has reported a mere 566 cases per million population – a remarkably low number that is less than a third of contiguous neighbor Germany (2,155 cases per million). Hungary’s numbers are even better, at 369 cases per million population.
So why is the American Left so adamant about open borders and in particular relocating radical Muslims within the US? We know statistically that they bring terrorism, murder, gang-rape, electoral fraud, communicable diseases (!), and anti-Semitic hatred, and cost to the tax-payers that is unaffordable. These are all downsides. What are the upsides? Are there any factual examples of the upsides which make up for all the catastrophic downsides? If not, then why is leftist America so driven about bringing to America a very real threat to our way of life? It has nothing to do with compassion or an illegitimate diversity initiative and has everything to do with destroying our Judeo-Christian values and hard-earned American cultural institutions. The secularist left has no core values, and when values are relative, anything goes – including their cozying up to the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR.
Entering a country isn’t a “right;” it’s a privilege decided and extended by the host country – as is standard policy all over the world. As a classic successful example, ask the Japanese about how strict immigration control works. While this seems like a harsh reality, we are not going to preserve America unless mass deportation of invaders and their anchors are removed from America.
Despite Democrat-media and RINO resistance, the Trump Administration has been pursuing border security measures as policy imperative, including building the Wall and also strict enforcement of existing immigration laws. But that needs to be extended to include strong incentives for assimilation and – failing that – self-deportation. “Diversity” is a plague on the country and indeed is a Democrat/Left political tactic used to divide America. In reality, our true strength is our ability to assimilate people from all over the world – usually by the end of the second generation – as we have done since the founding of America.
The Democrat Party has watered down assimilation over the years and pushed open borders as a mechanism to divide and exploit people for the crass purpose of political gain. It is long past time to implement measures to strictly control our borders, shut down immigration except for a select few who can provide useful skills, and maximize assimilation of new arrivals once again.
Now is the perfect time to implement public policies accomplishing these actions, as the American people better understand the importance of strong border control and personnel screening in the Age of the ChiCom Virus. And in doing so, we will restore a forgotten American strength (assimilation), defeat the secular Left, and thwart their nefarious goals for the country. Let’s make it our Crusade!
The end.