Chamber of Commerce Supports Bill Letting 1.8 Million Illegals Per Year Into the United States

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

The US Chamber of Commerce called for Congress to pass the so-called border security bill unveiled by a bipartisan group of senators last night. In a statement released by the US Chamber of Commerce, executive vice president and chief policy officer Neil Bradley emphasized the bill's importance.


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is pleased to see desperately needed border security, asylum, and immigration reforms included in the emergency supplemental funding proposal before the U.S. Senate. The economic disruption and human suffering wrought by our border crisis have become so severe that Congress cannot afford to ignore these problems any longer. We look forward to working with Members of Congress to pass these commonsense measures that will improve America’s security by addressing our southern border and supporting Ukraine and Israel.

This statement comes after Speaker Mike Johnson and Majority Leader Steve Scalise declared the bill dead on arrival.

READ: Speaker Mike Johnson Declares So-Called 'Border Security' Bill Dead on Arrival

The IS Chamber of Commerce's support for the so-called border security bill comes as the RNC faces a cash and confidence crisis under Trump-selected Ronna McDaniel's management, and the control of the House and Senate hangs in the balance.

READ: Trump Hints RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Will Soon Be Looking for a New Place to Fail

It isn't hard to see why the US Chamber of Commerce is so in favor of this horrible Trojan Horse bill. It is the next best thing to an official Soros-esque Open Borders policy. The bill allows the president to declare a "border emergency" and supposedly shut down illegal immigration, but he is not required to do so. Even if the president declares an emergency, the law limits the number of days per year it can be used. And the bonus is that work permits become nearly automatic.


What is more than a little unclear is why the GOP should go along with a terribly flawed bill that does nothing to stop the massive flow of illegal immigrants that has damaged the quality of life in American cities and has the potential to create a new, semipermanent, welfare-dependent underclass.

READ: SHOCKER: Welfare Enrollment by Immigrants Significantly Higher Than U.S.-Born

At some point, GOP elected officials need to realize that the Chamber of Commerce is not an ally and is definitely not a friend of the American working class. 


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