Reince Priebus Jumps the Shark And Punches It In the Nose On Face the Nation

Politics is a tough business. Sometimes you find yourself defending a very hard brief for a candidate. Sometimes you want to shower after defending a candidate or politician. But there should always be a little bit of dignity and self-respect retained by the spokesman. If you serially beclown, or as it is becoming known “Pierson”, yourself you cease to be an asset to anyone.


I think Reince Priebus has crossed that line. Priebus was on Face the Nation today and the subject of Donald Trump’s incoherent positions on immigration came up.

REINCE PRIEBUS: Well, a nominee is not – doesn’t have to adopt every single position and platform position of the Republican Party. If we’re talking about what my opinion is on birthright citizenship does not necessarily have to be adopted by a nominee. My exact view of immigration and how it should be pursued does not have to be adopted by a nominee.

CHUCK TODD: All right, but let me ask you this, in the infamous 2013 autopsy, this is what was written in it. “If Hispanic-Americans perceive that a GOP nominee or candidate does not want them in the United States, i.e. self deportation, they will not pay attention to our next sentence.” Do you think Donald Trump understands this analysis?

REINCE PRIEBUS: I think he understands it completely.

CHUCK TODD: And is that what this evolution is about?

REINCE PRIEBUS: No, you know what? I don’t know what when you say “what the evolution is all about.” What I think is that Donald Trump understands that with every position that is taken and as you get closer to the White House, a degree of humanity and decency is part of every decision that needs to be made.

And I know Donald Trump. I know Donald Trump in private, I talk to him every day. I know what he’s thinking about a lot of these issues and this is a good and decent man that wants to do the right thing and wants to take every position that he’s talking about and pepper it with decency, dignity and humanity.


Take a moment as savor this statement. Donald freakin Trump wants to “pepper” every issue with “decency, and dignity and humanity.” How does a grown man come to say such an outrageous thing on national television. Can you even think of a single time in this campaign where “decency, dignity and humanity” could a appear in the same sentence with “Donald Trump” without a negative or a huge dose of irony or sarcasm. Of course not. This is the guy who tried to flimflam people who were donating money at a fundraiser for veterans. This is the guy who pushed lies about each and every one of his opponents. This is the guy who attacked the father of a young officer who was killed in Iraq.

Even in the world of political spin there are limits and Reince Priebus just blew right through the decency barrier himself and didn’t bother to look back.


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