The Ted Cruz campaign is circulating this video clip of an Andrew Breitbart. I suspect it has a two-fold reason. First, to remind people that Trump is not conservative and, second, to take a swipe at Breitbart.com.
For months now, Breitbart has been a fluffer for Donald Trump in a way that not even Kathryn Jean Lopez or Jennifer Rubin aspired to in their puffery of Mitt Romney. At least, AFAIK, Lopez never threw a reporter under the bus after being roughed up by a Mitt Romney staffer.
Without further ado, here is the clip:
Via Daily Caller:
Breitbart appeared on the program along with radio talk show host Leslie Marshall and told Williams that Trump was not a conservative after Williams asked him about conservatives’ concern about a then-Trump candidacy in 2012.
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“Of course, he’s not a conservative. He was for Nancy Pelosi, before he was against Nancy Pelosi … celebrity is everything in this country if these guys don’t learn how to play the media the way Barack Obama played the media last election cycle and the way that Donald Trump is playing the election cycle — we’re going to probably get a celebrity candidate,” Breitbart warned
This won’t be news to anyone who has not been in a coma for the past eight months but Donald Trump is not a conservative. Every conservative position he vows he holds has been contradicted by his words and actions if you only go back a year or so from the day he declared his candidacy. Unfortunately, many self-described conservative media outlets and figures have attached their lips to Trump’s butt for the sake of ratings and pageviews. None of these is more disgusting than the cesspool that is named for Andrew Breitbart.
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