You can vote for Trump and not care about McConnell or Boehner

burning cabin

Yesterday, my colleague, Jay Caruso, posed this question: Mad as Hell At Boehner and McConnell, So You Support Trump?

I understand the anxiety a lot of my fellow contributors feel about the possibility that Donald Trump will win the GOP primary. I do marvel, however, at those who feel that anxiety and think they will change the dynamic by labeling Trump supporters white nationalists, racists, bigots, anti-immigrant, low brow, low information, and trumpenproletariat. Because insulting people and telling them they are stupid doesn’t change very many minds. If you doubt my word, try this technique with your spouse.


Likewise, I see people who have long advocated the creation of a conservative party shy away from the very path it would take to create such an entity because we know the Establishment will not allow a significant conservative voice in the GOP. We conservatives, to a great extent, are playing the role of field slaves; sending money, manning phone banks, knocking on doors; making phone calls; and getting precious little for our efforts. We are the Little Red Hen, only when the bread is baked we are the only one left hungry. This should be a wake up call. Just as we’ve always criticized blacks for reflexively voting Democrat, even against their own interests, we vote for the GOP.

I am not a Trump supporter, per se. Where I differ from most of my colleagues is that I think if conservatives can’t get a solid conservative candidate to be the nominee (Cruz, Walker, Jindal or maybe Rubio) that I am fully supportive of a Trump candidacy. If we get to March and the two candidates left standing are Trump and Bush (this is a very high probability) then I will vote for Trump. I will do so cheerfully and without regret or apology.

Let me explain.

On the Virginia frontier, nails and hinges were scarce. Manufacturing of hinges in the Colonies was illegal. Hinges had to be imported from Britain and all nails and hinges had to be brought by pack horse across the Blue Ridge mountains. While the iron work was precious, wood, on the other hand, was rather plentiful. When the land was played out and a family decided to abandon its cabin for new territory, they burned it to the ground, recovered the iron work and moved on.


That is what many of us are doing.

Like the played out farm, we may have reached a point of diminishing returns working with this particular iteration of the GOP. I’m not so much mad at Boehner and McConnell as I don’t even care about them anymore. Boehner apparently believes in very little. McConnell believes in even less. Both treat the conservative members of their caucus as the enemy and the conservative base with contempt. Both toady to the Obama White House as though he was their master rather than their peer. Both lie for no reason other than just to stay in practice. It makes no more reason to be mad at them than it does to be mad at a mosquito biting you; they are just responding to their nature. As the chorus to the IRA song, the Ballad of Lynch’s Army, goes:

Let him go let him tarry let him sink or let him swim
He does not give a damn for us nor we a damn for him

More to the point, let me quote [mc_name name=’Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’C001098′ ] (my first choice for president):

There is a profound disappointment among the American people because we keep winning elections and then we keep getting leaders who don’t do anything they promised.

The American people were told ‘if only we have a Republican majority in the House, things will be different.’ Well, in 2010 the American people showed up in enormous numbers and we got a Republican majority in the House — and very little changed.

Then the American people were told, ‘you know, the problem is the Senate. If only we get a Republican majority in the Senate and retire [mc_name name=’Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’R000146′ ] as majority leader, then things will be different.’ Well, in 2014 the American people rose up in enormous numbers, voted to do exactly that.

We’ve had a Republican majority in both houses of Congress now for about six months. What has that majority done?

First thing we did, in December, is we came back and passed a $1 trillion ‘cromnibus’ plan filled with pork and corporate welfare. That was the very first thing we did. Then this Republican majority voted to fund Obamacare, voted to fund President Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty. And then leadership rammed through the confirmation of Loretta lynch as Attorney General.

Madam President, which of those decisions would be one iota different if [mc_name name=’Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’R000146′ ] were still majority leader? Not a one. Not a one.


You can extrapolate this to “If we only had a Republican president.”

I am not an idiot (YMMV). In my view, I’m not a neo-Confederate or white nationalist or racist (again, YMMV). I don’t think I’m a “low information voter.” In fact, my view on Trump has developed because I am quite aware of the scam that is being run on me and on everyday Americans and I am equally aware of what Trump is and is not. Don’t insult me by trying to educate me on Trump’s positions. Or if you do, first tell me how our guys in Washington are faring so that we can compare Trump’s rhetoric to the GOP’s accomplishments.

When I’m told that I’m proposing to vote for a guy who is for higher taxes, socialized medicine, etc., my question is why is it worse to vote for someone who has advocated those positions, but clearly isn’t wedded to any political philosophy, than vote for someone who claims to be a conservative but, as Senator Cruz says, acts in a way that is indistinguishable from a liberal Democrat? Is it more noble to vote for an egregious liar than a mere blowhard? Is it more pure to allow ourselves to be duped so long as we are duped by the correct person? Is it our fate to perpetually stand before the Establishment’s Mister Bumble and beg, “Please, sir, I want some more.”

In the final analysis, Trump is not a politician he is a businessman. Businessmen understand the virtue keeping their customers happy. As I see it I have at least a 50-50 chance that Trump will back conservative (or increasingly populist) positions because he likes his customers to be happy and he doesn’t give a flying rat’s patootie about political philosophy. Jeb Bush and his fellow travelers are going to toe the line of Wall Street and K Street and the Chamber of Commerce and I will lose about 100% of the time. He’ll look dignified while losing and soulful as he lies to me but the outcome will be the same. If I guess wrong with Trump, I’m no worse off than I would be with Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton. But unlike Bush or Clinton, Trump will not have a second term and I will have had a damned good show watching the house burn.


Then we’ll scratch the iron work out of the smoldering ashes, move on and start fresh someplace else. Wood is cheap.


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