Gov Christie to Teacher’s Union: ‘You Punch Them, I’ll Punch You’

Bada Bing, New Jersey’s Governor Christie does it again. This time, calling out the horrible and corrupt teacher’s union, NJEA. (video after the jump)

Each time he speaks, I’m even more impressed than the last time. Every speech is chock-full of delicious common sense and straight talk. He started off his tenure as Governor by saying “No More” to the excessive taxation levied on New Jersey residents, which is a direct result of rampant and grossly irresponsible Democrat policy and spending.  The irresponsible behavior is so enshrined in New Jersey politics that Christie had to put spending cuts in place, even while in the midst of a financial crisis, by executive order.


This was, of course, met with typical whining and attempted character assassinations by the Left. But, it did not deter the indefatigable Christie. Sometimes, I wish that Rahm Emanuel would sleazily approach Governor Christie with a job offer, in exchange for his stepping down as governor, only because Christie’s response would be so delicious. I imagine it in my head. Often.

Next, he took on the education budget, which is a huge problem in New Jersey. Of course, he was once again demonized and an illustrious group of reputed teachers in New Jersey started a Facebook group, where they childishly hurled such thought-provoking arguments as the following:

One educator, a librarian with a Master’s degree, described the cuts as “rediculous.”

Another pointed out that Christie’s late mother was a member of the teachers union: “It’s not right to bite the hand that feeds you. Oh I forgot it’s Chirs Christie, He’s so large I bet he’d bite anything that’s put in front of his face!”

“Remember Pol Pot, dictator of Cambodia?” warned another. “He reigned in terror, his target was teachers and intellectuals. They were either killed or put into forced labor… King Kris Kristy is headed in this direction.”

Godwin’s Law needs to be applied to Pol Pot as well, I’m thinking. Also, get it? He’s fat and stuff!  Sigh. I suppose they learned from the slimy Jon Corzine who, during the campaign, had nothing on which to intellectually debate Christie and, instead, resorted to the “Tee hee. He’s fat!” slams as well. Christie’s response at that time?
No, he took the high road by daring Corzine to stop the sly digs and say what he’s thinking outright. “If you’re going to do it,” said Christie, “at least man up and say I’m fat.”
It’s that no nonsense attitude and straight talk that has Christie far exceeding my expectations thus far. Case in point, what he explains to a teacher, who is complaining that she isn’t being paid enough (even though records indicate that she was lying even about that). Via Hot Air:

“You’re getting more than that if you include the cost of your benefits,” Christie interrupted.

When Wilson, who has a master’s degree, said she was not being compensated for her education and experience, Christie said:

“Well, you know then that you don’t have to do it.” Some in the audience applauded

“Your union said that is the greatest assault on public education in the history of the state,” Christie said. “That’s why the union has no credibility, stupid statements like that.”

Not only did he correctly point out that no one is forcing her to do her job, for which she is paid $86,000 a year, but he cut straight to the true crux of the problem: the Teacher’s Union. Which brings me to the latest example of Christie’s spine and incredible leadership. Watch. And enjoy. (Via mbecker’s diary):

The video above may be confusing. I know how rare it is to see a politician talking straight and having a strong backbone. Christie rightly says the teacher’s union is like a bully. Governor Christie has no patience for bullies. As a true leader, who will fight for the people of New Jersey, he had a lot to say to those union bullies and here is the ‘money quote’:


You punch them, I punch you.

Oh, my. Forgive me for swooning. Straight talk. True leadership. Fearless.

I know Governor Christie is the one New Jersey has been waiting for. I hope governors across the country follow his incredible lead.


(Cross-posted from NewsReal)


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