Moore to the Point: Enough

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Because I spent the first (roughly) 60 percent of my life on the left side of the political spectrum (albeit, the moderate left, not the progressive left), and because many of my loved ones still reside there, I often find myself struggling to balance my understanding and empathy for liberalism with my impatience and disdain for progressivism and the hard left.  


I well remember holding left-of-center views, even while I no longer agree with them and often argue against them. So, I try earnestly not to let our differing perspectives cloud my affection for loved ones. It seems to me that used to be how most of us operated. 

But there's holding a different perspective, and then there's hate-driven madness. Sadly, there's an abundance of the latter these days, particularly online. 

I think Joe Biden has been an unmitigated disaster as president, and I think the sooner he no longer holds that role, the better off we'll be. But I'm not calling for (or hoping for) his death and certainly not his assassination. That's wrong on its face — you know it, I know it, we all know it. 

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So, for those bemoaning the fact that Saturday's attempt failed — ENOUGH. There is no "Trump exception" to engaging your basic humanity. It's time to do some soul-searching and time to press the reset button on your moral compass. 

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Monday, July 15th. Audio included below.


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