Monday Morning Minute

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 



Here Comes the Cavalry: Stunning New Trump Donation Numbers, Bigwigs Also Weighing In

Democrats were likely hoping a conviction would drive people away from Trump, but instead, the opposite seems to be true. 

WH Counsel Spox Ratioed Into Next Week After He Steps in It Big Time Regarding Biden's Hur Interview

The fact that they seem so intent and desperate to fight against the release of the audio tells you there's something they really don't want you to hear.

Fauci: I Made It All Up

Whoever isn’t standing up to this autocracy is allowing it to happen.


Today on Capitol Hill...

Congress is back after a somewhat quiet post-Memorial Day week. There are only two hearings set for Monday, but one of them is sure to be a doozy: The House Oversight and Accountability Committee Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic is hosting none other than The Science at 10:00 AM Eastern. That's right, Dr. Anthony Fauci is set to testify. I don't want to overhype it, but I think it's fair to expect some fireworks out of that one.


Fauci: I Made It All Up

Fauci Gets Grilled: COVID Select Subcommittee Releases Transcript of Interview

White House What's Up

While "the smartest man he knows" will be otherwise occupied in a Delaware courtroom, President Joe Biden will depart Wilmington Monday afternoon and head to Greenwich, Connecticut, for an evening campaign event before returning to the White House.

Full Court Press...

I expect things will be a bit quieter at 100 Centre Street this week, what with the Travesty of the Century™ having wrapped. The criminal trial of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) will, however, be continuing on just a few blocks away. 


And then there's Hunter. His trial on federal gun charges is set to get underway in a Wilmington, Delaware, courtroom Monday morning. We will, of course, be keeping tabs on that and keep our RedState readers apprised of the developments, but just to give a preview, a quick perusal of the latest filings in the case shows several rulings from the court on evidentiary matters and instructions that don't favor the First Son. 


Okay, I didn't unplug as much as I might have liked to over the weekend, but I did manage to a wee bit and I do highly recommend it. There's plenty of news and drama to fixate on while consuming media or sparring online, but when you get out into the real world and interact with folks face-to-face, things do seem less DEFCON 1. Also, I highly recommend spending time with dogs. They have their priorities in order. 


El. Oh. El. 


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