Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Rep. Clay Higgins Shows How It’s Done After Leftist Agitator Gets Too Close to Lauren Boebert — by Sister Toldjah
As one astute commenter to the video observed, “Protesters confuse protest with a right to disrupt. Further, that was hardly assault. The speaker has a right to speak. The protester does not have the right to charge the speaker or push other people.”
I wish I could say I was shocked by the number of Very Online Leftists who declared that Higgins violated the man’s First Amendment rights and should be sued for assault but I’m not, because these are the very same types of people who apparently believe we should sit back and take it when a someone is having a mental episode on a subway, think a woman should surrender what’s hers when troublemakers claim it for themselves because racism or something, and believe it’s acceptable to harass and intimidate members of the Supreme Court at their homes.

#2 – Spanking New Chicago Mayor’s Monstrous Tax Scam Has City’s Most Iconic Company Threatening to Leave — by Mike Miller
Duffy, of course —along with other like-minded corporate leaders — is not part of the problem and I doubt he ever will be. The problem, in every Democrat-run city across America, lies squarely at the feet of left-wing politicians who turn a blind eye to violent crime, rampant drug addiction, senseless murder, and the insanity of “woke.”
And what’s their answer to every problem — usually intentionally created by Democrats? Raise taxes? The creation of massive wealth-redistribution scams that “feed the poor” by “stealing from the rich?” There’s a line in the 1970s Ten Years After classic, “I’d Love to Change the World,” that should be hung around the neck of every Democrat in America: “Tax the rich, feed the poor, til there are no rich no more.”

#3 – AOC Picks Fight With Ted Cruz on ‘Racist History’ of Democrat Party, He Finishes It — by Sister Toldjah
“This is bizarre. And utterly dishonest,” Cruz wrote. “In the 1950s & 1960s, the NAACP did extraordinary good helping lead the civil rights movement. Today, Dr. King would be ashamed of how profoundly they’ve lost their way.”
That’s when some on the Very Online Left lost their minds, including AOC (whose tweet we’ll get to in a minute) and some so-called “historians” like Kevin Kruse, who posted that “In 1965, Dr. King called for a national boycott of the state of Alabama, saying that Democratic Gov. George Wallace’s policies constituted ‘a reign of terror’ against Black Americans.”
Cruz did not back down, pointing out that Wallace, a Democrat was “an incorrigible racist” and that “Dr. King’s standing up to his bigotry was heroic & helped change America.”

#4 – Watch: Joe Biden Accidentally Insults Nancy Pelosi, Brings Major 2024 Issue to Forefront in One Fell Swoop — by Sister Toldjah
For the record, the Great Depression timeframe was 1929-1941. Pelosi, who at 83 is older than Biden, was born in 1940. I’m pretty sure a one-year-old Pelosi had nothing to do with rescuing Americans during the latter part of the Great Depression, but maybe that’s just me. Perhaps he thinks Pelosi is older than she actually is. Who knows?
She wasn’t shown in the clip, but no doubt that feeling of cringe bubbled up inside her as she struggled to maintain her composure at the unintentional swipe, one of many Biden has made over his decades of service as a career politician in D.C.

#5 – New Poll: Great News for Trump, Very Bad News for Biden and the Media Narrative — by Nick Arama
The poll also shows that Biden is in deep trouble because large majorities of people think he’s not mentally fit and he’s too old. The poll also has Donald Trump beating him by 7 points and Kamala Harris by 11. Those are pretty big numbers, but people can remember that they had it much better under Trump than under Biden/Harris, and they can see what a mess Biden is now.
How bad are things for Biden? Only 40 percent of Democrats say they would vote for him in the primary and only half think he’s going to win the primary. That should be a huge yikes if that’s even anywhere close to the truth. Strangely the poll doesn’t include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is polling at around 20 percent, on the list of choices in a primary versus Biden.
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