No one likes having their intelligence insulted. That may be prideful in itself, but few things sting more than being taken for a big dummy.
Democrats, of course, are no exception to this – and congressional Democrats took the principle one step further on Thursday during the House Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. While Texas Representative Sylvia Garcia – who distinguished herself in the March Twitter Files hearing by admitting she didn’t know what a Substack was and asking independent journalist Michael Shellenberger if he and Bari Weiss were “in this as a threesome” – took umbrage at the implication she might not understand what a “whistleblower” is, the committee Democrats, as a whole, did their utmost to defend the honor of their now beloved FBI and its intelligence role.
Indeed, some on the committee did everything but bare their teeth and hiss at Thursday’s witnesses for daring to call out the agency for its overreach and retaliation. And don’t ever forget Chuck Schumer’s ominous 2017 warning: “Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” with tacit approval.
It’s amazing how protective those in power become of the Intelligence Community when its sights are set on their political opposition.
This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Friday, May 19th. Audio included below.
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