Astonishingly, we were forced this week (in much the same way everyone else was) to discuss whether or not journalist Andy Ngo, who was beaten into the ER by everyone’s favorite white, middle class cowardly thugs Antifa, got what he deserved because those were the terms of the debate laid out by Antifa and their media handlers. You can probably guess where we came down on the issue, but listen anyway to find out.
While chanting “no hate,” antifa militants pummeled my head. No police intervened. Portland prides itself on being a sanctuary city but what I see is a sanctuary for domestic terrorists. I describe the antifa attack that left me with a brain hemorrhage: https://t.co/4sSDJClRW0
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2019
There’s also a discussion this week about some canceled shoes:
And Russell Crowe’s introduction to just how agenda-driven Hollywood can be when it comes to political storytelling.
We also talk about the #USWNT (that’s the U.S. ladies’ soccer team to you non-followers) and the things that make them mad while they’re playing absolute bang-up soccer in the World Cup; and we round it out with a little look at how China’s film industry may be affected by the larger trade relationship Trump is developing with that country.
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