WATCH: Bill Clinton Tells Whopper About Biden, Shoulda Heeded Chris Wallace's Reality Check Instead

AP Photo/Erin Hooley

For those of us living in the real world, it's undeniable that President Joe Biden was forced to exit the presidential race in July after Democrats and their media comrades freaked out over his disastrous June debate performance against GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, which confirmed that Biden's propagandists were Baghdad Bobs and that his critics were telling the truth about his decline this whole time.


In the aftermath of Biden announcing to the world that he would be stepping away from the political arena after his term in office was over via a tweet after 50+ years of being in public office, his strident apologists tried to spin actions they shamed him into taking as being on par with America's first president, George Washington.

"[Biden's] selfless act this weekend reminds me of what George Washington did when he voluntarily gave up reelection and put country first,” Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) said after Biden's announcement.

READ MORE-->> 'Not George Washington': DeSantis Nukes Absurd Dem Narrative of 'Selfless' Biden Withdrawing From Race

It was not in any way an apt comparison, of course, as explained by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at the time:

"This notion that the media is trying to peddle that [Biden] is like George Washington refusing power for the good of the country—he had no choice! They were knifing him in the back! The New York Times was going after him, the big donors were going after him… [L]ook with Democrats; the corporate media is a huge part of their party. When you lose the media, you are really a dead candidate walking. He had no other choice. This is not George Washington."


DeSantis' remarks echoed what other top Republicans were (and still are) saying about the Democrat behind-the-scenes machinations to push Biden out of the race, which some including Trump have declared was essentially a palace coup.

Nevertheless, it was a tiresome talking point that was trotted out once again at the Democrat National Convention on Wednesday night by former President Bill Clinton during his speech to the delegates.

"And then he did something that's really hard for a politician to do: He voluntarily gave up political power. And George Washington knew that. And he did it. And he set the standard for us, serving two terms before it was mandatory. It helped his legacy, and it will enhance Joe Biden's legacy," Clinton laughably proclaimed to applause from the crowd.


What Clinton should have done, though, was listen to CNN's Chris Wallace, who did something on Day One of the convention that his colleagues at the network are infamously reluctant to do when it comes to Democrats: give them an inconvenient reality check:


Facts first and all that. I mean, when you're a Democrat and you've lost Chris Wallace, you know you've lost the game...

Editor's note: This post has been updated for clarity. Chris Wallace made his remarks on the first night of the DNC. Bill Clinton's were on the third night. We apologize for the timeline error, but the point still stands about the comparison.

Related: CNN 'Reporter' Dunked Into Next Week After 'Fact Check' on JD Vance Joke About Tim Walz


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