The Elites Just Pulled off a Real Attack on Democracy

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Well, they did it. 

I wasn't sure they were going to be able to given the stubbornness of Joe Biden, and even more than that, Jill Biden. 

But once Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Barack Obama were working on the matter, it was likely only a matter of time and working out the "deal" behind the scenes. The donors pulling out was the real kiss of death for his campaign. That's the other thing I'd really like to know -- did they offer a sweetener to get him out, or was it just threats to embarrass him that made him come to the decision? 


Interestingly, his letter announcing the decision praised Kamala Harris but did not endorse her. But then he posted a subsequent tweet indicating his support. That must have been a bitter pill for Jill. Some joked, did he know he was endorsing Kamala since that was in the letter? And it's ridiculous that it comes through a letter, given his last live comments were all about how he wanted to stay in. It's all beyond squirrelly. 

READ MORE: BREAKING: President Joe Biden Ends Reelection Bid, Will Remain As POTUS

NEW: Joe Biden Officially Endorses Kamala Harris, Complicates Democrat Plans for 'Mini-Primary'

But the biggest thing about this, as many noted, is that this is the true attack on "democracy." They had 14 million people vote in the primary. The elites were then all behind Biden despite the fact that he had all these problems with coherence already. They suddenly decided after the disastrous debate that they wanted to push him out the door because they thought he was going to lose. That isn't the way our system is supposed to work; this would just be shoving the 14 million votes to the side to have the political elites foist a candidate on us at their convention in August -- and it might not even be Kamala. They don't care about what the voters think or that they previously rejected Kamala in 2020 as a choice for president. If they had cared about his condition, they wouldn't have put him forward to begin with; they're only doing it now because they'd lose. 

They covered all this up and didn't tell the public, even attacking people who exposed it with accusations of "cheap fakes." 


Can we call it a coup or an insurrection? Because it's sure going against the vote of the people, as many, including Elon Musk, noted. 

Some noted what a danger this truly was to our system. So much for the norms; once again, they don't apply to Democrats. 

This is a real attack on "democracy." 


Meanwhile, at his rally last night, former President Donald Trump spoke about how insane their claim was that he was a "threat to democracy." Indeed, he noted Trump took a "bullet for democracy" from someone who, I think it's safe to say, didn't want him in the race.

At this moment, with all the machinations that have just gone down, we see ever more clearly who the real "threat" to the constitutional Republic is. 

Hint? It isn't Trump. 


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