WATCH: Sen. John Kennedy Humiliates Two More Biden Judicial Nominees in Epic Fashion

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

As has often been said, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) is a national treasure and he keeps proving it with his work on the Senate Judiciary Committee. On it, he has routinely exposed the ignorance and left-wing activism of some of Joe Biden's judicial nominees, sometimes just by asking them basic questions about the rule of law.


In one instance, one of the nominees - Spokane County Superior Court Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren - asked for her name to be withdrawn from reconsideration after Kennedy embarrassed her with questions about the Constitution.

READ MORE: Sen. John Kennedy Stumps a Biden Judicial Nominee With Some Basic Questions

Fortunately for us - and America - Kennedy is still doing his thing, as exemplified during his Thursday questioning of two more Biden judicial nominees, Nashville labor lawyer Karla Campbell and Maine Superior Court Justice Julia Lipez.

Campbell is Biden's nominee for the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. After several denials of Kennedy's accusation that she had lied to other Republicans on the committee about her representation of a left-wing activist group called Workers’ Dignity (which Texas Sen. Ted Cruz characterized as an "openly Marxist organization"), Campbell admitted she had in fact been associated with them in their early days.

Here's what she said at another point during the hearing:

“I served on an advisory board that helped what at the time was supposed to be a nonprofit workers’ rights organization get set up and get started,” she told lawmakers, adding that she had not been involved with the group recently because “they have strayed into the political sphere, rather than staying with their original mission to support workers.”


Lipez is Biden's nominee for the U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, and it was Kennedy's grilling of her on a child sexual abuse case that gave new meaning to the word "humiliated" as she dodged and weaved around questions about what she said about the child predator and how she chose to sentence him:

Here's what else Lipez said about the perp, Michael T. Smith, at the time:

During a March 2023 sentencing hearing, Lipez reduced Smith’s 12-year sentence to 6 years and praised him as a "good" person.

"People are complicated," Lipez said during the hearing. "I have frankly been offered very little insight as to how or why this happened. What I can say is that this is a very tragic situation of a person who has a lot of good in him having done a very reprehensible thing to two young children."

The sentence reduction came after Smith’s young victims told the judge about the years of suffering caused by the abuse, which left them traumatized with night terrors, appetite loss, and flashbacks, according to the Sun Journal.


Soft-on-crime judges are the absolute last thing we need in this country, and that goes double for any judge who goes soft when it comes to sentencing in sexual abuse cases, especially those involving minors. It says a lot about Joe Biden - with none of it being good - that he would put forth a nominee like Lipez in particular, and good on Kennedy, Cruz, and the other GOP senators who exposed her record for what it is.

For those interested, watch the full Kennedy video below:

Flashback: In Which Sen. John Kennedy Expertly Destroys the Credibility of Woke Climate 'Expert' Witness


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