MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Blurts out What Joe Biden Won’t About ‘Success’ of Workplace Vaccine Mandate

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

In one of the more unbelievable and shameful moments in U.S. presidential history, we watched yesterday as President Joe Biden actually bragged during a speech he gave in Elk Grove, Illinois, about people getting fired from their jobs over his coronavirus vaccine workplace mandate.


For those who missed it, during his speech, Biden said we must look at the “bigger story” of what his vaccine mandates bought.

“When you see headlines and reports of mass firings, and hundreds of people losing their jobs, look at the bigger story,” he stated. “United went from 59 percent of their employees [being vaccinated] to 99 percent of their employees in less than two months after implementing the requirement. Ninety-nine percent.”

He boasted about it on Twitter as well. Also, note the subtle shift from using the term “mandate” to “requirement”:

Left unspoken but which nevertheless was picked up on by many of us was the real reason why said mandates have been so “successful” (Biden’s words, not mine): People have to be able to support themselves and their families, and thus can’t afford to lose their source of income, especially in this rotten economy. So between having the “choice” to quit or be fired versus keeping their job, they were forced to “choose” to keep their job and get the vaccine.


Though Biden would never admit to that directly, one of his most ardent apologists and defenders in the mainstream media decided to do so during a segment on her MSNBC program Thursday, where she touted how the “doomsday scenarios” over the mandate had not come to pass.

Watch below as, twice during the segment, self-important Nicolle Wallace admitted how “the vast majority of us” fell in line on the vaccine mandates… because they wanted to keep working:

What also struck me about the segment was the chuckling and smiling — as though the government forcing people to have to make such “choices” was a good thing, as well as how AP “reporter” Jon Lemire essentially acted as a campaign spokesperson for Joe Biden in talking about how supposedly successful his mandate was and what a good thing it was that he put it in place.


I mean, between Biden’s remarks and Wallace’s admission, it was the equivalent of spiking the ball after you used your power to change the rules to make things harder for your opponent and easier for you in a football game. It was unseemly not to mention unpresidential, a revealing moment that Republicans need to remind the American people of often as we head into the 2022 midterms, where the warning signs are already flashing for Democrats.

Related: Here’s How We Know Joe Biden’s Meeting With House Democratic Caucus Was an Epic Failure


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