Ron DeSantis Expertly Triggers Media Meltdowns During Voter Bill Signing for Entirely Legit Reasons

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

Even with various left-wing media outlets including some in Florida continuing to be the predictable manufactured “scandal” generators they are when it comes to Ron DeSantis, the popular Sunshine State governor continues to do his thing. This, of course, enrages the Usual Suspects all the more, which is why it’s so much fun to watch.


DeSantis continued triggering his media critics today in epic fashion. Fresh off of signing a bill Wednesday that gives $1,000 bonuses to Florida first responders for all of their hard work during the coronavirus pandemic, Gov. DeSantis scheduled the signing of a voting bill this morning similar to the one recently put in place in Georgia.

Not invited to the ceremony? Any news outlet outside of Fox News:

Even more hilarious? DeSantis conducted an interview with “Fox and Friends” hosts as he was signing the bill. I laughed so hard when I watched this that tears were coming out of my eyes. Watch the segment below, via MRC-TV:

Naturally, the media (including CNN’s resident hall monitor) made themselves part of the story because they just can’t help themselves:

Media Matters hacks, who’ve never met a Democrat whose back they didn’t want to scratch, were extremely fauxfended. I hear smelling salts were provided:


“Fox and Friends” is still trending on Twitter as of this writing, full of deranged hot takes from haters who just can’t deal.

Why is it a good thing DeSantis excluded media outlets from attending the ceremony, some might ask? All you have to do is look at the absolutely disgraceful, one-sided “reporting” media outlets did on Georgia’s voting law. Their biased pieces, along with the disgusting “Jim Crow” accusations coming from failed 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams and President Biden helped whip leftist outrage mobs into a feeding frenzy, costing the state the MLB All-Star Game and at least $100 million in revenue – much of which would have benefited the very people who Democrats claim they were trying to protect in the first place.

DeSantis has shown over the course of his time in office a willingness to take questions from any media outlet, sometimes even approaching reporters before they approach him, and will continue to do so after today. But considering the fake news “reports” media outlets subjected Georgia to during and after the voting bill was signed into law, it’s understandable why DeSantis would make this event a Fox exclusive.


And to prove the point, look at how numerous “news” outlets bogusly framed the bill after it was signed:

It’s complete BS, as Matt Whitlock further explained:

Read his full thread breaking down the bill here.

I don’t blame DeSantis one bit for scheduling the ceremony the way he did today. Media outlets had already baked in their narratives before it was even signed into law. Why bother with the circus act in the aftermath? Answer: You don’t. Not when you’ve got a state to run, and no time to play games.


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