Every once in a while, the masks completely slip off and supposedly objective journalists accidentally reveal in no uncertain terms what their political colors are to their readers and viewers.
Such was the case earlier this week when former White House Correspondents’ Association president and ABC News White House correspondent Jon Karl talked to National Journal, which did a story on how “the White House press corps finally drew the line” Sunday on covering President Trump’s indoor campaign rallies, which they apparently find hazardous to their health in the age of the Wuhan coronavirus.
The NJ first quoted a Princeton professor and supposed “expert on the presidency” who alleged what Trump was doing was unprecedented:
“I can’t think of a precedent to this,” said Princeton professor Julian Zelizer, an expert on the presidency, noting that reporters rarely flinch from going into dangerous areas for stories. “This is nothing like that,” he said. “The president is simply creating a dangerous situation to prove some sort of point. He puts followers at risk, and then reporters who want to cover the story. There is zero sense to what he did.”
Then Karl weighed in, and compared having to cover Trump’s indoor rallies to going into a very dangerous war zone:
Karl, who has worked in war zones, said the contagious nature of the pandemic makes it different from shooting wars. “This is not like embedding with the Marines in Fallujah,” he said. “It is like you are taking your family with you to Fallujah.”
Needless to say, Karl’s comparison of Fallujah to a Trump rally did not go over well with some folks:
"Covering a Trump rally is just like flying in a Blackhawk over Afghanistan" – Brian Williams.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 16, 2020
I can see how it's exactly the same. pic.twitter.com/mtVtT7eo5H
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) September 16, 2020
I have friends that were sent to Fallujah right out of high school. Does this weenie want to talk to them to see what it was like?
— 𝙱𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚜 (@Halos84) September 16, 2020
I know several Marines who would like a word with you Jon.
— InvadeRay (@Invaderay) September 17, 2020
Fallujah looks like this? pic.twitter.com/jwohMRcAyF
— Nicole4America (@niteowlmom3) September 16, 2020
Perhaps more people would have respect for Karl’s position if he and the rest of the media didn’t rush to excuse “peaceful protesters” for gathering in large groups on crowded streets during the pandemic while at the same time condemning Trump and his supporters for holding and attending campaign events. Weeks prior to that the media were proclaiming that conservative Reopen marchers were public health threats for protesting in the middle of a pandemic, and were going to “kill grandma.”
Not only that, but some of the same reporters complaining about the allegedly dangerous conditions the White House press corp faces when covering Trump on the campaign trail eagerly embedded with Black Lives Matter demonstrators during the pandemic in order to both cover them and cover for them in an effort to help spread their “social justice” message.
A little consistency in messaging goes a long way towards either establishing or maintaining a respectable degree of credibility with the people who read your work. Unfortunately for Karl and other media figures like him, their double standards on people expressing their First Amendment rights during a health crisis ensures that they will continue to get mocked for making ridiculous comparisons like Karl did between Trump rallies and Fallujah – as they should.
Related/Flashback –>> Zing: Fox News Reporter Gets the Last Laugh After ABC News Journo Jon Karl Tries Some Mask-Shaming
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