Video: Tucker Carlson Gets Assist From Biden in Owning CNN, Oliver Darcy Throws Tantrum in Response

AP featured image
Democratic presidential candidate former VP Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event with his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., at Alexis Dupont High School in Wilmington, Del., Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2020. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)


Tucker Carlson took complete ownership of CNN on Wednesday night and he did it with an inadvertent assist from Joe Biden. Let’s start with the backstory first just so you’ll understand how hilarious the ownership – and Oliver Darcy’s meltdown over it – was.

It all started on Tuesday when Carlson mispronounced Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ name during an interview he did with former Hillary Clinton adviser Richard Goodstein. Heated words were exchanged after Goodstein took major issue with it, and with Carlson saying it was unintentional and that Goodstein’s real issue with him was that he had the audacity to criticize Harris.

As he does every night, Darcy was monitoring Carlson’s program and tweeted that “Tucker says this was unintentional, but he does often mispronounce the names of people he is critical of. It’s sort of a thing on his show. Seems pretty intentional!”

Darcy was so “concerned” about the matter that he included it in his Tuesday night newsletter. He characterized it as Carlson “mocking” Harris’ name. “He kept doing so after his guest corrected him,” CNN’s junior hall monitor noted, with the clear insination that racism was behind this.


Fast forward to Wednesday night, when Carlson made both CNN and Darcy a topic in one of his segments because in addition to Darcy, a panel of CNNers including “New Day” co-anchor John Berman also took a ding at Carlson over the mispronunciation, with one contributor, in particular, erupting in outrage – as Carlson shows in the clip.

During Carlson’s segment, as you’ll see below, Carlson talked about Oliver Darcy’s criticism over saying Kamala Harris’ name. But in doing so he didn’t mention Darcy’s name once. In fact, it appears Darcy’s name was intentionally left off the screengrab of the tweet Darcy posted from the night before.

But it was towards the end of the segment where things got really hilarious. As Carlson pointed out that his critics were suggesting that merely mispronouncing her name was “racist”, he segued to a clip from earlier in the day of Biden introducing Harris as his running mate by … mispronouncing her name.



Here’s a solo clip of Biden goofing when he announced her:

Heh. In response, Darcy threw a temper tantrum on Twitter, seeming to be especially incensed that Carlson left his name out of the segment, and then laughably calling Carlson “spineless” for his accurate recap of how Darcy and CNN reacted:

I tweeted back to Darcy last night that him calling anyone “pretty spineless” was pretty remarkable, considering how often he blocks critics.


For that … he blocked me:

Point proved. πŸ˜‰

You’d think by now that Darcy would know to leave well enough alone with Carlson, but he doesn’t – so expect more owns like this in the future, because the Brian Stelter-wannabe just can’t seem to help himself.

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