As I wrote earlier, media figures galore are in the midst of a full-court press in defending Joe Biden from various questions related to either his cognitive abilities or his insulting comments suggesting all black people think alike.
Some of what the media did yesterday involved a selective editing of clips of his comments, or absurdly claiming Biden didn’t actually disparage the black community at all. Other media outlets merely reported on it from the “Republicans pounce” perspective, because the real story, of course, is not what Biden said but how Republicans reacted to it.
But other than Chris Cuomo’s “coverage” on his “Prime Time” program last night of the war of words between Biden and Trump, the “Facts First” network had no coverage whatsoever either online or on their network Thursday about the remarks Biden made that some consider racist:
Joe Biden spends three tweets attempting to “clarify” his offensive comments earlier – comments that you may have missed if you’re an MSNBC viewer (covered zero times on TV) or CNN viewer (covered 1 time) or CNN reader (no article on the website)… https://t.co/cBI7NBnNt9
— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) August 7, 2020
Really egregious that CNN didn't publish an article on the comment until after Biden "clarified" it https://t.co/xPV3wHqtyT
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) August 7, 2020
Their “straight-news” division did, however, manage to find time to “report” on the story, but it came nearly 24 hours after the video first surfaced – and only after Biden (or his handlers) posted a clarification about the offensive comments in a three tweet thread. Here’s how they “covered” it this morning on their “New Day” program:
Berman admits in this clip that Biden said “the African-American community is not diverse.”
Berman admits that the statement was “factually incorrect.”
The chyron still reads “Trump claims Biden insulted black community.”
pic.twitter.com/Rvblyv17uK— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) August 7, 2020
Wow. A whole 26 seconds devoted to “reporting” on a major news story that, if it had been President Trump, would be amplified and dissected well into next week. Brian Stelter alone would have spent an entire hour talking about it on “Reliable Sources” had Trump been the one who said what Biden did.
Eddie Zipperer went on to point out CNN’s basic three-step process for covering for Democrats when they’re caught saying the quiet part out loud:
Here's what it looks like when a CNN anchor calls Biden out for a racist statement:
1. Don't cover it until Biden's staff has cleaned it up
2. Accept the clean up as gospel truth
3. Transition immediately to how awful Trump is pic.twitter.com/Rvblyv17uK— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) August 7, 2020
That is absolutely perfect, although I might have included “Republicans seize/pounce/accused” in there as a fourth item, and attacking the credibility of people who criticize Democrats and/or the media as a fifth one.
I should also note that this process is not confined to CNN, although they’ve mastered it better than perhaps any other national media outlet out there.
Would you add anything to that list?
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