New York Times columnist Paul Krugman thinks he’s got the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak all figured out.
Like many in the mainstream media and most Democrats, he’s spent the last several months pounding the anti-Trump/DeSantis/Abbott drum, suggesting the President and both governors have been incompetent throughout the pandemic and that if it weren’t for them the United States wouldn’t have cases in the millions and deaths in the hundreds of thousands.
In one recent argument over the weekend, Krugman accused both DeSantis and Abbott of “killing” people in their states due to Trump’s “malign influence“:
But it's not just Trump. Republican governors also played crucial dire roles 2/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) July 26, 2020
Ron DeSantis killed a lot of Floridians 3/ https://t.co/O3ItLuTCWP
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) July 26, 2020
Abbott killed a lot of Texans, although his state's toxic political culture is making it hard for him to do better 4/ https://t.co/piDTKNTMNC
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) July 26, 2020
In another tweet bashing DeSantis (who Kruggie has perhaps targeted even more than Trump), Krugman idiotically compared Florida’s Wuhan virus response to Italy’s, rhetorically asking “Where does DeSantis go to give his apology?” The question was a snide rephrasing of a National Review headline from May that asked where DeSantis should go to get his apology:
Florida vs. Italy. Where does DeSantis go to give his apology? pic.twitter.com/QsRbHUzAFA
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) July 24, 2020
As is often the case with Krugman, there were some serious flaws with his comparison, which people were quick to point out:
If you look really carefully, you can eventually find Florida at the bottom of the page of states sorted by Deaths per capita.
DeSantis should be looking for apologies, not offering them. https://t.co/gNhrM23K4O pic.twitter.com/sgLujs7B7y
— Ben Jammin 🇺🇸 (@xBenJamminx) July 24, 2020
Gee. I don't know. Italy had 67 consecutive days with deaths over 150. Florida has had 2 total days with deaths over 150. Italy's deaths/million is more than double Florida's.
If FL follows Italy's infection pattern, they've peaked and will be down 50-70% within a month. pic.twitter.com/M2Rprn5ep0
— Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) July 24, 2020
Revisit what?
Italy has 35K deaths.
Florida has 5k.
— RBe (@RBPundit) July 24, 2020
Italy has 581 deaths per million residents despite draconian lockdowns and it is of the highest in Europe. FL at this point is at 269 per million.
Italy tested 107K per million people; FL 155K.
For now, @RonDeSantisFL deserves an apology from you for lying about the data.
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) July 26, 2020
Italy still has 7x times the deaths of Florida. Paul, I think it's time for you to take your millions of dollars and relinquish your position at the NYT to someone fresh with a voice historically excluded by institutions like the NYT. This is getting painfully embarrassing
— 🥴🥴🥴 (@formerlyed) July 24, 2020
Pop: 20M
Cases: 402K
Deaths: 5,653
Mortality Rate: 1.3%Italy:
Pop: 60M
Cases: 244K
Deaths: 35,058
Mortality Rate: 14%🤷♂️
— InTheRightColumn (@TheRightColumn) July 24, 2020
Where do you go to give back your Nobel
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) July 24, 2020
Unfortunately, that won’t happen, but maybe a friend or colleague can urge him to read his own newspaper so he can learn all about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s disastrous handling of the Wuhan virus in the state of New York, which enabled the spread of the virus throughout the entire country – because when Krugman rants about how Republican governors “killed people”, he always conveniently leaves out the state with the most deaths and the second-highest per capita death rate (behind New Jersey).
In addition to his ridiculous Italy comparison, his ommissions of Cuomo’s dismal track record are telling. Very telling.
Related –>> CNN’s Chris Cuomo Hit With Inconvenient Reality Check After Trying a Wuhan Virus Dunk on Ron DeSantis
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