I logged on to Twitter today and one of the first things I noticed was that “Chris Cuomo” was trending, with thousands of posts being written to discuss what leftists were calling an “epic rant” from him Wednesday night about the photo President Trump posted to his Instagram yesterday of him sitting in the Oval Office with various Goya Foods products on his desk in a show of support for Goya CEO Bob Unanue.
Unanue has been under attack from Rep. Alexandia Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and other Democrats who launched a Goya boycott after he expressed praise for Trump Thursday during a Rose Garden ceremony announcing the White House’s “Hispanic Prosperity Initiative.”
For those who missed it, here’s the photo Trump posted:
Just posted on the president’s Instagram pic.twitter.com/kAs4f3QaB0
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) July 15, 2020
Predictably, the Usual Suspects on the left and in the media went bonkers, as they did when Trump’s daughter Ivanka posted a photo of herself Tuesday night holding a Goya Foods canned good product.
Not to be outdone, Cuomo devoted several minutes last night to the topic, feigning outrage over Trump taking time out in the middle of a pandemic to “hawk products.” Slamming what he claimed were Trump’s “pandemic priorities”, Cuomo melted down, calling it “bull sh*t” that the country didn’t have time for:
“You tell me how a president, in the middle of a pandemic, has got time for this b——-. Are you kidding me? Hawking products?” Cuomo asked, with the expletive airing unedited. He added, “Resolute desk! This is what he’s resolute about.”
Questioning the president’s “pandemic priorities” on “Cuomo Prime Time,” the CNN host showed the viral photo of presidential adviser and first daughter Ivanka Trump holding up a can of Goya black beans earlier this week, which prompted concerns about whether she was using her government position to endorse a private business.
“On your dime, in the middle of a pandemic, they’re selling beans,” said Cuomo, who recovered from covid-19 in the spring. “Are you kidding me? Seriously? Seriously?”
Chris Cuomo has the only correct reaction to that Trump Goya photo: pic.twitter.com/pfVLllCLI5
— Andrew Peng (@TheAPJournalist) July 16, 2020
Many Twitter users including yours truly were more than eager to point out the major inconsistencies in Cuomo’s rant:
Did we ALL break quarantine after testing positive for COVID (while symptomatic) to visit our second home?
Did we ALL give our brother a pass for a nursing home order that killed 6K seniors?
We are NOT all Chris Cuomo. https://t.co/MnQT2gAr64
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) July 16, 2020
I get it that President of the United States is a more important job than governor of New York, but not by so much that Chris Cuomo has any room to go on this rant after he teased his governor brother on TV w/ a giant cotton swab. https://t.co/VNdtciImDw
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) July 16, 2020
And yet in the middle of a pandemic, your brother and governor of New York @NYGovCuomo after 30,000 + deaths in his state has time to make and sell Covid posters honoring himself and go on @jimmyfallon to talk about being single! Are you kidding me? Seriously. 🙄 https://t.co/pi5WpkhOvm
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) July 16, 2020
Notice this dum dum conveniently forgot to condemn AOC & other Dems who "have time" in the middle of a pandemic to launch a boycott & steer ppl to other food products. Nor his brother, who "had time" to stop by CNN for Q-tip demonstrations and nose jokes. What a freakin' clown. https://t.co/EOlVrjcGmP
— Sister Toldjah 😁 (@sistertoldjah) July 16, 2020
Since @ChrisCuomo wants to talk about "pandemic priorities", let's look at his: https://t.co/zPUSLgyd1a pic.twitter.com/wrnXJYZo87
— Sister Toldjah 😁 (@sistertoldjah) July 16, 2020
Chris Cuomo is the last person – I mean the LAST person – who should be pointing fingers at the supposed “pandemic priorities” of others, especially when you consider just not just his willful ignorance of his brother Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s well-documented leadership failures during the pandemic crisis in his state but also the ignorance of the rest of his colleagues at CNN, some of who apparently only recently discovered that New York was the gateway for the coronavirus’s spread throughout the entire country.
Two words for Chris Cuomo right now: SIT. DOWN.
By the way, about that Goya “boycott”: It’s failing – big time.
Flashback –>> ‘That Was Fake’: Tucker Carlson Destroys CNN and Chris Cuomo Over Phony ‘Basement Emergence’ Segment (Watch)
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