Joe Biden gave a rare public speech in his home state of Delaware today and afterward took questions from reporters in what ended up proving to be a disastrous press conference.
Various video clips from the presser showed Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, at times appearing out of sorts and unsure of himself. In one clip, Biden awkwardly admits he was given a list of reporters to call on by his campaign staffers:
Awkward! Joe Biden admitted he was given a "list" of approved reporters he was instructed to call on for questions.
You're not supposed to say that part out loud, Joe! pic.twitter.com/a9lnq9Qgsw
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) June 30, 2020
In another, Biden forgets the name of his hometown paper:
Despite looking down at his notes, Joe Biden forgot the name of his hometown newspaper.
Embarrassing. pic.twitter.com/LuNmKz6gBJ
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) June 30, 2020
In this one, he confuses historical figures in United States history:
Joe Biden confused the Jefferson Memorial with the Lincoln Memorial, tried to correct himself, but then confused them again.
Thomas Jefferson isn't sitting in a "chair." pic.twitter.com/XkE0Lw7ywy
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) June 30, 2020
Then there was this, which simply has to be seen to be believed:
Watch the sign language interpreter — She clearly had one of the hardest assignments of her life… @calebjhull 👍🇺🇸😂 pic.twitter.com/0mMvk2AURl
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) June 30, 2020
He also stated he is “constantly tested” for cognitive decline after being asked about it by a reporter:
Democrat Joe Biden says that he is "constantly tested" for cognitive decline pic.twitter.com/nymWXRgaSF
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) June 30, 2020
At another point either during the press conference or the speech himself, Biden announced he would not be holding presidential campaign rallies:
Biden announces that he is not going to hold campaign rallies, complying with health guidance during the pandemic: "This is the most unusual campaign, I think, in modern history" https://t.co/Nj065CIsxp pic.twitter.com/QM5wvuIyfv
— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 30, 2020
Biden claimed it was due to “doctor’s orders” and to keep supporters safe during the pandemic, but I think the more obvious reason is the elephant in the room: The more he appears in public, the worse his campaign looks.
My RedState colleague Bonchie touched on this subject today in a piece debating Trump’s strategy of questioning Biden’s mental health that is worth revisiting in light of the news about Biden’s rally announcement:
Right now, Biden isn’t in the spotlight, and when he does leave the basement, he’s reading notes and still fumbling all over the place. Eventually, he will have to face the public in more traditional settings with millions watching.
In the end, the problem with the theory that Trump’s attacks will backfire is that it assumes Biden doesn’t actually have issues that will surface as he appears in public, unscripted more. But he does have issues, and when he starts talking about “the thing” or losing his train of thought continuously at a debate, it’ll be more apparent precisely because Trump has pressed the issue.
Biden’s handlers know that even though he’s made some major flubs even from the comfort of his basement that Biden is doing himself more favors staying in it than out of it. In those settings, they can cut the live video feed short if things begin to go off track. Plus, between the media’s and left’s coordinated attacks on Trump – including on the “Russia bounties” story that is quickly falling apart – and Trump struggling to stay on top of the wave of attacks, Trump’s ratings in key states have taken a tumble.
After what happened at Biden’s speech/presser today, look for his campaign aides to sequester him back in the basement for the foreseeable future as so-called “journalists”, Democrats, and disgruntled former officials do his dirty work for him. It’s working for the Biden campaign so far, so they will keep rolling with it as long as they can.
Unfortunately for Biden, he can’t hide himself during the fall debates, which is where more people will get a closer look at him in order to decide for themselves what to think.
Stay tuned.
Flashback –>> Joe Biden Hosts Virtual Tampa, FL Campaign Rally and Videos Show It Turned Into a Disaster Fast
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