There have been numerous reports all over the country of business owners standing guard in front of their shops armed with guns in an effort to protect their property from looters and rioters who are wreaking havoc while police officers stand by to monitor the situations without intervening.
In Minneapolis, a few brave people stood up for law and order in the midst of the violence that took place in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, but most did not stick around, fearful of getting hurt or losing their life in the middle of the chaos.
One unidentified Minneapolis man who said he owned a nearby shopping center was disgusted enough that he interrupted a live segment on KARE-TV to speak his mind about the matter – and to let local and state Democratic leaders know that if they did not take action soon, the people would.
“What I want to tell people right now is that if the [Democratic] governor [Tim Walz] and the mayor [Jacob Frey] are not going to take care of this problem, people will,” the man declared angrily, gesturing between the camera and the reporter. “People will uprise over this.”
“Those people that live there, make their business there,” the man continued, pointing behind him. “They’re Korean, they’re black people, they’re immigrants, they’ve worked their f**king life off trying to make this thing happen,” he stated with emotion as in-studio reporters could be heard saying “We understand his frustrations.”
I almost cannot believe what I just heard. Wow pic.twitter.com/n0qLH0acL2
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) May 30, 2020
In other words, the community the “protesters” destroyed was full of the very people they claim to want to “help” — by way of burning their neighborhoods to the ground and in the process destroying lives and livelihoods.
Another fed up Minneapolis resident spoke to local reporters over the weekend as well and gave a tearful interview about what she, as a handicapped senior citizen, saw happen in her neighborhood at the hands of anarchistic rioters that every single riot apologist in the mainstream media should watch.
(Hat tip: The Blaze)
Related –>> Watch: Raleigh, NC Police Chief Demonstrates What Leadership Does *Not* Look Like After Looting, Fires
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