Like most other DC/NYC/Beltway media figures and journalists, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had something to say about President Trump’s Monday comments to reporters that he was taking hydroxychloroquine as a Wuhan coronavirus preventative after consulting with the White House doctor.
It was standard fare for Scarborough, who along with wife and “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski feed off of daily talking points from the elite media outrage machine. The only reason worth mentioning it in this case is because of how White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany swatted him down in response.
Here’s what Scarborough said that provoked McEnany to hit back:
When the President of the United States actually says he’s doing something which, let me assure you, he is not doing — let me assure you, the president of the United States is not taking hydroxychloroquine. In all the time that I knew him, I only sat for one meal with him. Before that meal, he had wipes like this high and would go through the wipes, compulsively, and wipe his hands, sanitize his hands before eating anything.
So he is not taking something that his own administration has said will kill you. That his own FDA said will kill you. That the VA said will kill you.
MSNBC’s @JoeNBC claims, without evidence, that President Trump is lying about taking Hydroxychloroquine and falsely states that the drug “will kill you”. pic.twitter.com/uk6NQs4huT
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) May 19, 2020
McEnany squished Scarborough like a bug in a tweet, noting that Trump had consulted “with a real medical doctor” and not the fake one Joe plays on TV for ratings and RTs:
Thankfully, President @realDonaldTrump is NOT listening to the fake Dr. Scarborough and instead consulted with a real medical doctor before taking hydroxychoroquine.
Happy to report that the President continues to be in great health! https://t.co/Dap1dDXWJA
— Kayleigh McEnany (@PressSec) May 19, 2020
Also, as others pointed out, Scarborough was wrong in what he said about the FDA’s findings on hydroxychloroquine:
The FDA has not said this drug "will kill you." Not even close. https://t.co/cVBqQM2r8d
— Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) May 19, 2020
Scarborough was also wrong about what the VA said about hydroxychloroquine, which I wrote about a few weeks ago in a piece dissecting the flawed, limited retrospective study the VA did on veterans who took hydroxychloroquine either by itself or in combination with ZPAK.
Here’s what a VA official said at the time when the MSM was touting that study as though it conclusively proved the drug should not be taken to treat the Wuhan coronavirus:
Veterans Affairs’ Robert Wilkie on yesterday’s hydroxychloroquine study: "That’s an observational study. It’s not a clinical study … We know the drug has been working on middle-age and younger veterans. And the gov of NY was just in the Oval Office yesterday asking for more" pic.twitter.com/uMRx6Z22Yh
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 22, 2020
As McEnany noted, Joe Scarborough is, in fact, not a real doctor. So Joe, don’t quit your day job, buddy.
Better yet, maybe you should quit your day job. After all, you’re not very good at that, either.
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