As we all learned last week with the release of the declassified “unmasking list”, which included the names of high-level Obama administration officials like former Vice President Joe Biden, then-FBI Director James Comey, and Obama’s chief of staff at the time Denis McDonough, acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is not messing around.
Grenell proved it again on Friday when he announced some changes, including putting election security briefings back in the hands of the Intelligence Community, and making organizational restructuring within the National Counterterrorism Center:
Acting DNI Grenell announces changes to election security briefings https://t.co/CwgNNMl89N
— Office of the DNI (@ODNIgov) May 15, 2020
Acting DNI Grenell announces organizational changes to National Counterterrorism Center https://t.co/Sw9e8yNstU
— Office of the DNI (@ODNIgov) May 15, 2020
These announcements did not please House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), who previously expressed displeasure over DNI staffing changes made last month, which included President Trump’s firing of then-DNI Inspector General Michael Atkinson, which enraged Schiff.
In a statement issued by Schiff Friday, the California congressman again blasted Grenell, stating his committee “did not authorize these changes —announced, once again, late on a Friday—by a temporary and unqualified Acting Director of National Intelligence”:
“Our Committee did not authorize these latest changes—announced, once again, late on a Friday—by a temporary and unqualified Acting Director of National Intelligence …" Schiff says in a statement Friday. pic.twitter.com/DFqWiFtJdw
— Zachary Cohen (@ZcohenCNN) May 15, 2020
Grenell, in turn, dismissed Schiff like he would an annoying fly:
Only in Washington, DC would one be appointed to a job but not expected to DO the job. @AdamSchiff https://t.co/f5qa8lzvy6
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) May 15, 2020
Schiff and Grenell also tangled earlier this month, when the acting DNI director told Schiff he better release the secret Russia transcripts or he would do it for him. Schiff did so, which ended up confirming Schiff knew all along there was no evidence of Russia/Trump collusion – but still chose to proceed with perpetuating the hoax for political gain anyway.
Schiff has yet to respond in their latest war of words, but clearly things between the two continue to heat up at a rapid-fire pace. Stay tuned – and in the meantime stock up on the popcorn.
(Hat tip: The Blaze)
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