Never Trumper Jennifer Rubin bills herself as a “conservative” columnist for the Washington Post, but you’d never know if it you read her columns or her Twitter feed.
Rubin has either highly praised and/or endorsed Democratic candidates at the top and bottom of national tickets, as well as state and local races – because the way one goes about “conserving conservatism” is to remove as many conservative Republicans from office as possible, you see.
The latest curious example of Rubin demonstrating her “conservative” prowess is in a column she wrote in which she fangirls over New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s “science”-based approach to handling the Wuhan coronavirus crisis:
Measure the data. Act on the data. Readjust on the data. Such a rational approach to governance is entirely beyond Trump’s capabilities, which is one reason he is uniquely unfit to govern during a health emergency. https://t.co/gV8oG7wKnV
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) May 5, 2020
“Govern by science, not your gut”, she states emphatically.
There’s so much wrong with this flaming hot take that it’s hard to know where to start.
First off, the photo used in the column shows Cuomo not “governing by science.” He’s “helping” clean a New York City subway car without wearing all the necessary protective equipment, as you see the professionals wear in the photo. Yes, he has on a mask and gloves, but considering how filthy New York City subways reportedly have been and how they have reportedly been a major source of the spread of the virus, he shouldn’t be cleaning it unless he’s suited up from head to toe in protective gear.
Second, and also related to the subway matter, after everything New York City has been through over the last month and a half with this virus, with essential workers still having to take the subway to get to work because no one has a car in NYC, and with weekly reports filed about how the homeless have been sleeping in subway trains overnight, why has Cuomo only recently – as in last week – given the order for them to be cleaned and sanitized on a nightly basis? This should have been happening from the start.
Entertaining, but also embarrassing for a news network.
Instead being asked about why he didn't have subways cleaned daily until 5 days ago or why his state put nursing home residents in danger by forcing facilities to accept COVID patients, Cuomo jokes around w his brother. https://t.co/TFk36RdqoU
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) May 6, 2020
Science would have told Cuomo to clean the fucking subways daily prior to last week. https://t.co/owwDPWMvPs
— RBe (@RBPundit) May 5, 2020
The nursing home scandal alone should make anyone not consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome seriously question Cuomo’s “science”-based “leadership” skills during this crisis:
In late March, NY *ordered* nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients discharged from hospitals. When asked about this deadly mandate or the rising death count, Gov. Cuomo says “i dunno.” Column from @mgoodwin_nypost https://t.co/3ALRzEizOD
— Dagen McDowell (@dagenmcdowell) May 6, 2020
same day. amazing. pic.twitter.com/n3qOMSMvUy
— Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall) May 5, 2020
Look, I realize Rubin operates from the Orange Man Bad premise every time she tweets and every time she writes, but surely even she can see here that Cuomo’s approach – along with Mayor de Blasio’s – has created more problems and not less for the people of New York, right?
Related –>> Howls of Laughter Erupt After Paul Krugman Points to Jen Rubin as an Authoritative Source on Republicans
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