It isn’t often that a member of the mainstream media offers up a twofer when it comes to cutting Democrat politicos and liberal/Never Trumper commentators down to size, but that’s exactly what happened on Wednesday when CBS News journalist Jan Crawford went off on both Hillary Clinton and Jennifer Rubin over disparaging comments they made about President Trump’s judicial nominees.
Crawford started out by quoting remarks Clinton made at a Georgetown Law School event Wednesday. Here’s what the failed 2016 Democratic nominee for president said, per the DC Examiner:
“I do think, though, when you’re making decisions as momentous as picking judges for the federal bench, the person you consider should have relevant experience and should be judged qualified to hold the positions,” Clinton said during an event at Georgetown Law School with former President Bill Clinton and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “Obviously, that wasn’t a worry with Justice Ginsburg, but we’ve recently seen people largely chosen on the basis of age, and therefore longevity, and political ideology being pushed through despite having no relevant experience.”
Crawford pushed back:
You may have an issue with Bush/Trump nominees,but they generally (and certainly relatively speaking) are qualified and experienced.
— Jan Crawford (@JanCBS) October 31, 2019
Dismissing those judges as political hacks is a disservice and cheapens our discourse. And a Yale-educated lawyer not looking to score cheap political points should know better
— Jan Crawford (@JanCBS) October 31, 2019
It was at that point Crawford wanted to conclude her argument and get back to watching game 7 of the World Series:
Now I’m done and back to the WS. Go Nats!
— Jan Crawford (@JanCBS) October 31, 2019
But Rubin had other plans:
9 are rated Unqualified
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) October 31, 2019
Rubin then tweeted several links to articles, mostly from left wing or liberally biased websites (naturally) that talked about the supposedly “unqualified” judges Trump had been nominating to the bench, including this link:
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) October 31, 2019
Crawford wasn’t having it:
Whats your point here? Are you saying 46-yr-old Neomi Rao lacks experience to be a judge because of something she wrote when she was in college at Yale 25 years ago? That’s your standard for experience? https://t.co/rCXMUHyXD5
— Jan Crawford (@JanCBS) October 31, 2019
Rubin’s response to that tweet didn’t sit well with Crawford, either:
So only a federal district court judge or state court appellate judge can be nominated to an federal appellate court?
— Jan Crawford (@JanCBS) October 31, 2019
Rubin continued on, but Crawford persisted, too, and reminded Rubin of SCOTUS Justice Kagan’s lack of bench experience:
I guess Justice Kagan can be glad President Obama didn’t agree with you on that
— Jan Crawford (@JanCBS) October 31, 2019
Predictably, Rubin proclaimed Kagan was an exception to the rule because of course:
sure, I'll make an exception for DEAN OF HARVARD LAW and Solicitor General. Jeezz, don't know why you want to plant your flag on the quality of Trump judges. But now back to WS
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) October 31, 2019
Crawford, however, got the final word:
Haha. Nope. You’re not doing that straw man crap with me. I said it was wrong to paint all these judges with a broad brush as unqualified, wrong to say Republicans don’t take judges seriously. That is factual and something everyone should be aware of https://t.co/KV5gpPaeDD
— Jan Crawford (@JanCBS) October 31, 2019
Rubin had run away from the argument by that point.
Sadly, Rubin has been off the unhinged deep end for a long time now. Watch this video clip from earlier this year where she actually said with a straight face that voters looking for more centrist candidates for office should look to Democrats:
.@JRubinBlogger, the day after Democrats voted down a bill that would save babies who survive abortions: "If you want a party that is moving closer to the center or whose voters say they want to be closer to center, that would be the Democrats." pic.twitter.com/7OyAETPeHF
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 26, 2019
Just … incredible.
Related –>> The American Bar Association Lies About a Judicial Nominee’s Record and It May Pay a Steep Price
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 16+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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